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Work effectively with colleagues

Work effectively with colleagues
Data Scientist


This unit is about working effectively with colleagues, either in your own work group or in other work groups within your organization.


communicate with colleagues, show respect

Communicate with colleagues
  • communicate with colleagues clearly, concisely and accurately
  • work with colleagues to integrate your work effectively with them
  • pass on essential information to colleagues in line with organizational requirements
Show respect
  • work in ways that show respect for colleagues
  • carry out commitments you have made to colleagues
  • let colleagues know in good time if you cannot carry out your commitments, explaining the reasons
  • identify any problems you have working with colleagues and take the initiative to solve these problems
  • follow the organization’s policies and procedures for working with colleagues

Required Knowledge & Understanding

Technical Skills
  • different types of information that colleagues might need and the importance of providing this information when it is required
  • the importance of understanding problems from your colleague’s perspective and how to provide support, where necessary, to resolve these
  • how to identify and refer anomalies in data
  • how to help reach agreements with colleagues
  • how to keep up to date with changes, procedures and practices in your role
Soft Skills
Writing Skills
complete accurate well written work with attention to detail. communicate effectively with colleagues in writing
Reading Skills
follow instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
Listening and Speaking Skills
ask for clarification and advice from appropriate people. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
Decision Making
make decisions on suitable courses
Plan and Organize
plan and organize your own work to achieve targets and deadlines
Customer Centricity
check that your own and/or your peers’ work meets customer requirements. deliver consistent and reliable service to customers
Problem Solving
apply problem solving approaches in different situations
Critical Thinking
apply balanced judgments to different situations
Attention to Detail
check your work is complete and free from errors. get your work checked by others
Team Working
work effectively in a team environment. work effectively with colleagues and other teams. treat other cultures with respect