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Convince others to take appropriate action in different situations

Convince others to take appropriate action in different situations
Data Scientist


This unit is about convincing others to take appropriate action in different situations


define needs, persuade others

Define needs
  • gather needs of concerned people
  • adapt arguments to consider diverse needs
Persuade others
  • use small wins as milestones to gain support for ideas
  • persuade with the help of concrete examples or evidences
  • take defined steps to reach a consensus on the course of action

Required Knowledge & Understanding

Technical Skills
  • organizational policies and procedures for persuading people and their role and responsibilities in relation to this
  • different types of information that people might need and the importance of providing this information when it is required
  • different methods of communication and the circumstances in which it is appropriate to use these
Soft Skills
Listening and Speaking Skills
ask for clarification and advice from appropriate people. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
Decision Making
make decisions on suitable courses
Critical Thinking
apply balanced judgments to different situations