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Redefining Business with Footprint Dynamics and Business Continuity Options

We are helping a lot of the companies to understand their existing footprint and see how they can be used differently in the new world. For example, if you have a call centre in Oklahoma City, can that centre be used to do CRM documentation? In such scenarios, you would have to understand the talent that is easily available in the local ecosystem and look at it from an efficiency and effectiveness perspective.  

The unprecedented appearance of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on to the business arena has mandated organizations to relook at their business continuity plans. The global leaders in business are facing the challenges of being caught off guard and blind-sighted by the pandemic, just as much as the newbies in the industry.

In their battle against the pandemic-induced recession, business leaders are making an effort to understand the business scope in the post-COVID-19 scenarios. They aspire to realign their functions accordingly. Draup’s closer understanding of market trends and shift in consumer behaviour narrowed down the following indicators as the predictors of a redefined business world.

  • Increased need and sustenance of digitalized and remotely developed and executed solutions.
  • Shift in the demand of consumer goods and user experience through remote services.
  • The probability of a large set of job roles becoming unproductive and obsolete.
  • Change in the in-demand talent characteristics and increased emphasis of motivated, resilient, and accountable talents.
  • A dip in the economy resulting in reduced demand for sophisticated operations and increased emphasis on fundamental business operations on the path of recovery.
  • The need for reconceptualized business continuity plans, robust foundation building, and risk management methodologies from consultants and business advisors.

Business leaders across the world are returning to their fundamental duties. For e.g., Jeff Bezos resumed his former operations at Amazon by getting back in-charge of addressing the basic threats to Amazon’s business operations. The system’s resilience is at stake, so is the permanence of organizational footprints. Understanding the existing corporate footprints and discovering ways to use them effectively in the new world can be one of the major strategies in combating the impending recession.

The following steps can be your path to a successful assessment of existing footprints and their effective realignment to suit the needs of the changed world:

Step 1: Identify the major shift in market trends, consumer needs, and client requirements. Understand your organization’s potential to cater to the redefined requirements.

Step 2: Categorize your workforce to ‘operational roles’ and ‘obsolete roles’ based upon their effectiveness in the redefined business market.

Step 3: Disintegrate the obsolete workforce. Understand their potential in terms of qualifications, technical skills, and soft competencies, independent of their existing roles and responsibilities.

Step 4: Analyse the scope for regrouping and redesigning the teams and their projected effectiveness.

Step 5: Assess the skill sets of the newly formed teams against the redefined client requirements.

Step 6: Take up training, digital reskilling, and digital upskilling initiatives to enhance your teams’ effectiveness and enable them to cater to client requirements.

Step 7: Redesign your business scope and corporate footprints to suit your new set of business functions. Develop a novel business continuity plan to include and expand on your new clientele.

Draup’s Talent Intelligence Platform and proprietary database leverage its unique features to assist organizations and business leaders. It not only analyses shift in market trends but also locates talents with relevant skill sets and talent characteristics required to cater to the novel needs. Draup’s reskill navigator also enables organizations to assess their workforce capabilities. With this, they can enhance them by providing relevant suggestions about available courses and catalogues with increasing precision.