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COVID-19: Workforce planning executives realign their focus towards critical business/corporate functions

In the event of an emergency COVID-19 exposure, companies are changing their focus towards Corporate and Business competencies. We want to bring you this interesting trend that is being adopted by companies for workforce planning in this COVID-19 crisis.

Executive Mindset is now beginning to appreciate Corporate and Business Functions.  Prior to this episode, all strategic workforce planning conversations largely centered only around digital skills as they embraced digital transformation. Some of these typical PRE-COVID focus areas were to accomplish enterprises’ digital intentions:

  • Programming & Algorithms
  • Data Analytics & Visualization
  • Robotic Systems
  • Database Skills
  • Test Automation Scripting

As the coronavirus is spreading voraciously across the globe, companies are experiencing challenges like the continuation of critical projects, marketing/sales engagement events. To avoid economic losses from current pandemic situations, it is extremely vital to ensure stability and continuity of critical business functions/operations.

The wake of such a pandemic condition is making them realize the importance of roles that can help them stabilize their business operations. Organizations are prioritizing job roles such as:

  • Financial Analysis
  • Supply Chain Intelligence
  • Business Continuity
  • Remote work technologies
  • Customer Service
  • Digital Candidate Engagement

Companies are currently realigning their business priorities and the critical workforce involved to ensure a successful economic stability during this crisis. Efficient workforce planning and strategic prioritization will not only facilitate survival in this heightened uncertainty, but also let them strengthen their fundamental areas by:

  • Creating a strong financial structure based on the post-mortem of a string of favorable/unfavorable economic conditions
  • Establishing resilience in the supply chain via unique talent capabilities in operating top-notch digital platforms, ensuring end-to-end transparency
  • Leveraging critical technology skills to build applications for seamless remote collaborations and business continuity
  • Resorting to digital systems for candidate engagement, virtual screening/onboarding, etc.

Digital skills like Public/Private Cloud enablement, Cybersecurity, Analytics and Hyper Automation will remain/emerge as super high priorities as their POST-COVID development needs are crucial. The constant revamping of the business scenario has led to an emergency to strike a balance between the digital and business/corporate functions and related skills.

Business leaders who are proactive and are realigning their talent management solutions based on the current situation can overcome and sustain this crunch. Realising the business continuity implementation challenges and re-navigating the business and talent management goals are key indicators of a successful enterprise.