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Future Skills Academy: Enhancing Learning & Development during COVID-19

With learning becoming extremely crucial during these times, companies are thinking in terms of academies for workforce development. Establishment of Future Skills Learning Academy is an ongoing trend to fulfill the demand for future skills.

The rise of COVID-19 is disrupting the corporate talent landscape whether it’s technical/corporate and business competencies. The skill development needs for new-age business and corporate functions were always sidelined over digital skills by enterprises. Pandemic situations like COVID-19 indicate that a vibrant workforce is highly vital and can be built only by transitioning to a continuous learning-based ecosystem.

To build a continuous learning ecosystem, enterprises need to develop learning academies for future skills to strengthen the existing learning and development function. Recent trends show that companies have started embracing learning culture with the development of ‘Future Skills Learning Academy’.

The establishment of such an innovative digital learning ecosystem gives a way to build an inventory of future skills and the paths to attain them. HR leaders are prioritizing the development of functional learning modules for building the future skills across technical, business and corporate functions.

We have identified the key dimensions that contribute to build a strong enterprise learning academy. Some of the dimensions are:

  • Alignment with business strategies
  • Business function based reskilling programs developed by functional leaders
  • Understanding the job families and the various career paths to design customized learning journeys
  • Cloud-enabled learning platforms that facilitate easy access to learning modules and assessment frameworks
  • Key performance indicators that showcase the success of learning academies via continuous monitoring and real-time evaluation of business impact

At Draup, we came across a few organizations that have taken the initiatives to develop a strong learning academic framework and stay upfront in tackling future skill demands:

  • Accenture has developed a learning academy platform for enterprises to fulfil their reskilling/upskilling agenda through micro-learning modules. The platform encompasses learning modules for an array of competencies such as digital, supply chain, corporate, etc.
  • Facebook conducts ‘Bootcamp’ which is a six-week codebase introduction program. It is a mandatory program for all the company engineers aimed at strengthening its overall engineering capabilities.
  • Schneider Electric’s ‘Digital Citizenship program’ empowers its 140k staff to embrace a digital mindset with such a unique learning strategy. In addition to it, they can attain 4-levels of digital citizenship comprising basic, intermediate, advanced and expert levels of training.

Apart from offering seamless remote learning capabilities, these new-age learning academies are also helping enterprises to tackle pandemic scenarios like COVID-19. Such learning academies also help enterprises to rapidly elevate their traditional workforce towards a viable career path.

Draup’s data-driven platform efficiently maps 40,000+ courses based on specific industry requirements. With deep informational insights on future roles, HR leaders can map it with relevant courses to tailor micro/macro learning modules and establish Future Skills Academy.