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Top things you can do NOW to handle post COVID-19 world

COVID-19 is constantly increasing and has created darkness in the whole society. With a ray of hope, businesses are trying to deal with the current crisis and getting prepared to handle the post-COVID-19 world. We looked at a lot of requests dropped into Draup related to the Post-Covid19 crisis and have come up with top things HRs can do during this time. 

The rise in the pandemic Coronavirus outbreak has led to innumerable black swan events. HRs are playing a critical role in staying positive and communicating a positive spirit to the employees in this situation of high uncertainty.

We, at Draup, are giving a helping hand to the organizational leaders with a bunch of insights to help them re-frame their business/corporate goals by building a crisis response muscle. Here are some key points that will help HR leaders plan their activities to emerge and flourish in the Post-COVID-19 world:

1. Establish Learning Academies:

Learning academies across key competencies are going to be very critical.  Cybersecurity, for example, is going to be a very crucial skill. Further, there are a lot of support roles in Cybersecurity to which existing employees can transition into.

2. Expand Traditional Geo Focus for Recruitment:

Now is the key opportunity for enterprises to target innovative technical talent.  Several startups are potential targets to get great talent.  As work from home is here to stay, we should rework the traditional geographical boundaries.

3. Relook at the Job Descriptions:

This is a great time to relook at the Job Description and conduct some benchmarking studies to see how the levels you have modeled match against bleeding-edge companies.

4. Soft Skills Competencies:

Refining and modeling Soft Skills through text mining will be a great opportunity for learning new tools and as well as creating impact. The cross-team collaboration will let the members of both the team to learn new things and do it themselves.

5. Learning Journeys:

Develop detailed journeys with respect to pushing employees to the next emerging roles (technology and digitally enabled corporate function roles).

6. Develop 3-year HR Roadmap:

Communication, Employee Wellness, Reskilling, Employee engagement, Targeted tech hiring, and labor trends are the requests we are getting.  So, assembling a powerful blueprint to handle all the scenarios will be extremely critical.

7. Manager Learning Models:

Having a very strong middle management is going to be the key.  Training them on human psychology, communication, and presentations is going to be very crucial.

Emphasizing these key points will surely deliver a positive impact on the enterprise, establishing strong pillars for the future. Draup’s Talent Intelligence platform help HR leaders extract strategic insights and deploy it to build a roadmap that ensures organizational development with a stronger workforce amid such a crisis.