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Talent Management

Talent Management and Artificial Intelligence – How They Compliment Each Other

In the recent, highly competitive yet unprecedented times, humans often worry that Artificial Intelligence could replace their jobs. AI is undoubtedly taking over certain tasks like candidate screening, intent translation, empathetic customer support. But, it is predicted that even though AI will determine who does the work and how it gets done, the larger impact will be in augmenting human capabilities and not replacing them altogether. Companies are now focusing on training AI models to facilitate human efficiency, especially for HR practices.

Research indicates that AI will free professionals from mundane and repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on things that make a difference to employees and organizations. Tech giants like Google use AI modelled chatbots in their HR department. This reduces the human effort of re-iterating policies to employees as and when they require. As queries regarding repetitive matters come up, chatbots respond instantly, thus helping the professionals to focus on meaningful tasks.

Several companies are currently using AI for their HR requirements. Various reports from consultants revolving around AI supporting the human effort are reflected below:

  • AI bots will be powering 85% of the customer interactions by 2020
  • 20% of the business content (including training content) will be written by AI by 2020.
  • Bank of America predicts that AI will drive between $14-33 trillion annually of economic growth by 2025.

Talent Management and Artificial Intelligence

Clearly, we must move forward with automating and digitizing our processes for business continuity as the disruption due to COVID-19 has shown us. However, emerging research indicates that firms achieve the most significant performance improvement when humans and machines work together. Collaborative intelligence of humans and machines actively enhance each other’s complementary strengths. What may come naturally to one might be a tricky task to another.

Sabine Hauert, Co-founder of, rightly says that “Robots are not going to replace humans, they are going to make their jobs much more humane. Difficult, demeaning, demanding, dangerous, dull – these are the jobs robots will be taking.” There is a shift in the HR world to make AI systems “explainable”, which means that if AI designers and HR professionals understand why a prediction was made in the first place, more intelligent action can be taken. The need of the hour is to have an open mind and an optimistic approach towards the fast-moving advancements in AI. And instead of being afraid of the unavoidable reality, enterprises should expedite the transition.

At Draup, we continue to join hands with AI and machine learning to enhance human efficiency. We are continually using algorithms to develop AI models that will analyze the data and make the process of decision-making smoother for humans. Talent management requirements such as understanding the right talent requirements for a role, reskilling/upskilling the current workforce, peer intelligence analysis, etc. are strategically analyzed by the human developed AI models on the Draup platform.