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Rising need for Job classification and standardization

There is a lot of classification studies being undertaken by companies. In Cybersecurity, for example, companies are trying to align in the NIST framework (mapping roles to this framework may be useful). In the US, most of the companies have expressed their concerns with the available Cybersecurity talent.

Major enterprise corporations are benchmarking ‘Job Classification and Standardization’, that dates back to the late 1970s. Prior to the dedicated efforts in this regard by agencies such as Sector Skills Councils National Association of Software and Services Companies (SSC NASSCOM), Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) and others, the difference in the job descriptions and responsibilities among organizations were furthermore evident.

The current job market continues to face the challenge of high-degree-variance in job classification, description, and responsibilities, greatly owing to its confounding correlates. The correlates such as the variance in location, talent characteristics, tech stack used by the corporations, relevant sector and the strength of the workforce have been identified to be the key contributors for the evident difference in job descriptions.

The need for a standard job classification and description system is growing, just as the list of contributing factors for a variance does. Analysis of job market and talent pool across locations and industries confirms greater benefits of job classification.

Effective utilization of standardized frameworks formulated by agencies such as O*NET, SSC NASSCOM, etc. has resulted in efficient talent management by indicating the prescriptive upskilling courses to gain a job in the required industry. Whereas in cybersecurity, companies such as MedStar Health, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Avizia and others are constantly trying to align themselves to the NIST framework. These standard frameworks have also been instrumental in easing the process of industry change for mid to senior-level executives and have aided organizations in their global expansions.

Draup, with its constantly expanding database, not only displays the role map for various industries including the occupation and job family, but also its near variants are analyzed and made available. Draup also analyses the repertoire of job descriptions of various organizations for a specific role and designs a standard description, based on the framework of relevant location-based agencies such as ONS, NIST, and SSC NASSCOM. Furthermore, it not only provides access to the job descriptions of various organizations but also facilitates the customization of reskilling suggestions based on these descriptions.