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Paris: A new capital for Machine learning

Several companies are prioritizing Paris as their Machine Learning Hub. Very recently, Ericsson has announced its Software R&D hub will be in Paris. This is also a result of several initiatives Paris has taken specially to dominate in ML.

President Macron’s announcement on planned investment of €1.5B in France’s AI capabilities resounded the government’s renewed resoluteness to grow as a global leader in AI. With its outstanding talent pool, globally renowned universities, accelerated start-up growth and flourishing ecosystem, Paris is steps away from being a global AI destination.

France has been setting the stage to achieve its objective of leading the AI industry since 2018 or much before. Exceptional initiatives on this front, such as regional aid incentives to cultivate AI adaptation, R&D harvest labs, financial support to SME’s to adopt AI practices, the introduction of ‘AI starter packs’ with consulting and data storage solutions, etc. has reaped notable results in attracting the world’s leading corporations towards Paris.

While Facebook announced the launch of its European AI headquarters in Paris, several other tech giants such as IBM, Google, and Samsung have already moved their AI operations to the city. Paris further plans an effective investment to ensure an equipped AI ecosystem with an indigenous talent pool by starting the first-ever AI high school in France.

The capabilities of Paris’s regional ecosystem ventures beyond technology, to become a leading innovation and R&D hotspot as well. With the highest regional GDP in Europe and world-class research labs, Paris houses the strongest R&D ecosystem. As a result, the technological and pharmaceutical corporations such as Ericsson and Servier, are facing towards Paris to incubate their R&D operations.

Draup’s ecosystem intelligence is extremely efficient in analyzing the particulars of more such emerging hubs such as Paris. The market trends, talent landscape, talent characteristics, top employers and start-ups, along with the funding and acquisition data on the platform enables corporations to identify, analyze and predict the emergence of such business hubs, thereby assisting them to remain on the forefront of innovation.