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Establishing Learning Academies to Strengthen Security and Privacy Engineers

Cybersecurity is emerging as a key technology skill post-COVID-19 and many companies are attempting to scale and establish learning academies around this.  There is also confusion in the minds of HR leaders in understanding the difference between security engineer and privacy engineer in this function.  We were doing a workshop with a stakeholder and realized often companies mix the two together when referring to the roles.

The outbreak of COVID-19, a pandemic, has managed to create headline news across industries, constantly in the recent past. Most organizations are staggering to redirect their time, efforts, and resources towards safeguarding the health of their workforce and their economy. But still, an array of unforeseen challenges has surfaced, posing threat to the firm’s fundamental operations. The greater among these challenges is the threat to cybersecurity.

Organizations have become extremely vulnerable with the reduction in the functioning of cybersecurity teams. This is due to the changing organizational dynamics and a sudden shift to virtual operations via VPN networks. Cybercriminals around the world are capitalizing on this crisis faced by the organizations to create a vector for invasion and infringement, aimed at data theft and intrusion. The reported spike in cybercrime involves increased ransomware attacks in addition to more common evasions such as:

  • Phishing emails in the disguise of COVID-19 related newsletters or bulletins
  • Malicious links designed to gain access for remote administration of the operating device
  • Malspams aimed at gaining unauthorized access to system and data
  • Malicious COVID-19 themed web domains leading to ransomware attacks
  • Malicious mobile applications for healthcare and remote operations aimed at data theft

Although many organizations are trying to comprehend the nitty-gritty of their novel remote working styles and its challenges, very few companies are planning for a post-COVID-19 business. Efforts by major telecom corporations in this regard are evident case studies. However, all the organizations, irrespective of their size and reach are expected to revise their contingency and business continuation plans to incorporate and ensure higher levels of cybersecurity.

Top-notch organizations such as Myriad Genetics, Magento, Telenor, Broadcom stand as an example for organizations. They are attempting to scale and establish learning academies for training and development around cybersecurity needs.

While most other organizations plan to follow suit, the major challenge faced by recruiters and HR leaders is the lack of definite job classification of security engineer and privacy engineer roles. A deeper understanding of this issue during their client interactions helped Draup realize that companies often use these job roles interchangeably, resulting in compromised efficiency and output.

Draup has developed a simple taxonomy, with a clear categorization of job roles under security and privacy engineer job families. This will eliminate such inconsistencies for their clients in the future and help them understand their organizational requirements and target their talent hunt accordingly.

Draup’s Talent Intelligence Platform not only helps in role classification, but also makes provisions to identify and acquire talents across locations for these specific job roles. We recognize the global talent hotspots for specific job roles and provide location-based data on talent size and cost, along with talent characteristics. Thus, Draup emerges as an intelligence partner for organizations on their path of restoring normalcy and resuming business operations.