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Career Progression And Promotion

Ideal Criteria For Career Progression And Promotion

The process of recruitment is changing. The dynamics of workforce planning is changing. Likewise, the criteria for career progressions and promotions are also changing. Change, as we know, is good but, is it the best for the employee? 

Performance will always be a key driving factor  

The performance will always play an essential role in an employee’s promotion. High performers spend 95% of their time delivering results. High performers do not ask for a raise or promotion. Instead, they demand a promotion through their exceptional performance, which automatically begets a promotion. 

When human resources managers are considering employees for internal promotions, they need to consult the reporting managers to understand and assess the asset value of an employee. 

The asset value of an employee is not contingent only on the employee’s direct performance, it is also contingent on the employee’s proactiveness in training replacements. Enabling the company to be less dependent on its resources and ready for the next step in the absence of the employee demonstrates the high performer’s confidence and leadership skills. 

Potential must be acknowledged and encouraged 

There is a substantial difference between employees who are high performers and employees who have high potential. High performers understand their profiles profoundly and profoundly and exceed their profile’s limitations or far exceed the assigned responsibilities towards their profile.  

Employees who have a high potential do not necessarily exceed their assigned responsibilities; however, they exceed the expectations set by their managers towards their profile.  

These expectations can come in the form of proactiveness to learn a new skill, willingness to adapt to disruptions, and open-mindedness to accept constructive criticism. It all boils down to the employee’s ability to go beyond his comfort zone and do the needful by learning new skills. Those who are unwilling to be reskilled will hit a roadblock. Those who can invest in virtual executive, virtual programs executive, and virtual education programs stand a better chance of being employed and being counted in for a promotion.  

The World Economic Forum has declared that in the next two years, the relevant skills until the pandemic struck us will no longer be valid. 

The invaluableness of leadership and mentorship 

Candidates today are very selective. They do not rush into a job merely because it feels good. 

Candidates care very much about the culture of the company before they decide.  

Given the current remote working scenario, culture is not about office games and office getaways.  

The culture revolves around management’s interaction, engagement, and reciprocity towards the candidate’s aspirations and inhibitions. 

When work was non-remote, employees enjoyed the privilege of Learning & People Development training programs before the pandemic. These training programs helped employees hone their skills in the dimensions of interpersonal skills, negotiation, and communication skills. These skills are truly relevant even during the remote-working scenario, especially during the remote-working scenario. 

Employees need to be given the platform to ask for regular feedback. There is no such thing as asking for too much feedback. In the absence of a face-to-face contact, the chances of executing a task in the wrong direction are high.  

While this happens to be when managers are themselves working on getting more clarity towards new requirements, employees who do not hold back from checking if they are headed in the right direction stand to make a better impression than those who do not proactively ask for feedback concerning their performance.  

Asking for feedback helps save time for both the employee and the employer. It also gives the employer a chance to see that the employee takes his job seriously – which matters very much in a scenario where the employer and the employee are no longer in the same room. 

An efficient manager is an expert at managing tasks for the team members and adept at managing the expectations of people who report to him. 

Culture, the tacit testimonial 

An average employee spends 90,000 lifetime hours at work, about one-third of the average life span. 

Culture is a powerful catalyst in organizational performance.  

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that 3.8 million people – 30% of all unemployed have talent lost their jobs since the pandemic  

More than 25% of people in the US earned less in September then they earned in February  

Jobs are indeed being affected. It is also true that companies cannot stop promoting their people and cannot stop people from leaving an organization for better prospects.  

What’s matters at this crucial stage is for the candidate not to let go of the sight of his career goals. If the candidate can successfully stay focused on his career goals, the rest of the job market disruption will be nothing more than background noise.  

A commitment built on trust 

A January 2020 global survey revealed that 375 million workers globally might have to change occupations in the coming decade. 

It is not that companies are unwilling to invest in training and reskilling employees to fill talent gaps  

Companies will also have to consider that not all employees who are reskilled by the company’s efforts are going to remain in the company. It is very much possible for the employee to learn these skills at the expense of the current company and switch jobs once the employee has a hold of the subject.  

Mutual responsibility 

Organizations cannot get away from not training their people, nor can they prevent them from evolving in their careers. Organizations can enable their people to do better and know better by helping them learn technologies and skills that will be very much required and relevant for the times we are entering.  

Now that remote work is taking precedence over office-based work, human resources teams must try to understand employees’ career goals and aspirations. It is not about just understanding what an employee wants; it is more about helping the employee achieve what he intends on achieving during his tenure with the company. 

In an employer-employee relationship, it is always a give-and-take policy that works best. 

Just as an organization invests its time and resources towards the employee’s career growth, the employee needs to honor his commitment to the organization. 

As an in-depth talent intelligence platformDraup analyses employees’ traits and skillsets in an organization, helping HR managers align and train employees with skillsets to benefit both the employee and the organization.