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Prospective Candidates

How To Get Prospective Candidates To Respond To Recruiting Emails


It is a fair assumption that when the job market is down and unemployment is high, prospective candidates will be desperate to prove themselves to land a job.  

Candidates today take their job seriously. That decision is not based solely on the perks involved, rather on the value it will bring towards their career.  

Emails with personalized subject lines have 26% more open rate than those with generic subject lines. 

The communication channel being an email, the onus is on the sender to pique the interest of the receiver. 

The recruiting email is the first frontfacing message of the organization. As such, it needs to be drafted in a way that is in line with the organization’s goals and vision.  

What the recruiter needs to understand is that while they have the skill sets to discover and recruit the right talent, they may not have the skill sets to craft effective communication that is intended to impress the prospective candidate.   

Emails with personalized call to action have a 202% better response rate.  

Companies need to keep in mind that when prospective candidates look for their ideal job, they would like to know how ideal the company considers the profile to be in fulfilling the organization’s goals.


A lot of recruiters go wrong in this area. In the process of advertising the responsibilities of the profile they are trying to hire for, they forget to highlight the benefits the job is likely to bring the candidate. 

Recruitment leaders have a sense of responsibility here. Instead of conveying the responsibilities of the profile, hiring managers must shift their communication towards addressing the career aspirations of the candidate. This will underscore the intangible value the position will bring the candidate, whether immediately, or along the way in the candidate’s career.  

To put it differently, when companies advertise the profile responsibilitiesthey are addressing the company’s needs; but when companies highlight thbenefits of the profile, they are empathising with the needs of the candidate and that is something the candidate will truly appreciate 

One of the things you must ask yourself as a recruiter is – will I be willing to recruit a candidate who does not stand out in his profile or in his resume? 

Just as companies look forward to hiring people who will stand out in their resumes and career descriptions, candidates look forward to companies that have taken the time and effort to describe the profile. 


A good customer base is built only when there are good employees. Good employees work towards achieving the vision of the organization, as suchthey expect to be treated with respect.  

Instead of treating the candidate as a candidate, it would help organizations to treat the candidate as a customer 

Just as businesses conduct A/B testing campaigns for assessing communication strategies, recruiters need to conduct A/B testing with their recruiting emails messaging to understand which communication is able to procure better response results.  

An email recruitment strategy that recruiters have found reliable towards holding the interest of the candidates and helping them in their decision-making process is highlighting employee testimonials. Employee testimonials are equivalent to customer testimonials  

Just as a prospective customer is more likely to take the word of an existing customer of a product than the word of the brand (or the brand’s representatives), a candidate is more likely to consider an existing employee’s feedback/testimonial of the company in his decision-making process.  

 A Glassdoor report revealed that 67% of employers would have a better chance at retaining their candidates if the candidates were given a better understanding of what their profiles would entail and how it would impact their career paths. 


Writing a job description might seem like an easy task, but when recruiting managers get down to describing the job profilethey inadvertently end up mismatching job responsibilities and misleading the candidate.  

A sizable number of employers have the tendency to list the job responsibilities in technical parlance that often fails to convey the intimate expectations of a job.  

Employers must craft job descriptions in a way that will help make the profile stand out 

Just like candidates seek the help of resume writing experts to make their resumes stand out, recruiters must not be afraid to use job description experts in drafting the perfect job descriptions.  

Remember, just as an employer is looking to hire a candidate with an exceptional resume, candidates are looking to invest their time in a job that stands out – and that starts with the job description.  

Keep in mind, while it is important to be as descriptive and detailed as possible in job descriptions, an Indeed survey has revealed that job descriptions in the range of between 700 and 2000 characters are likely to receive more responses.  


Marketers warm leads for a considerable amount of time before they pitch their product.  

Instead of springing up the opportunity from out of the blue, recruitment managers can first invest their efforts in warming the candidates.   

While this is a more cumbersome process, it remains to be effective.  

Companies can send newsletters to their prospective candidates on a routine basis.  

These newsletters can be aligned with the insights of the industry and the career path of the candidate. This approach not only allows the candidate to be informed of the company, but also gives the company a chance to empower the candidate with valuable information. At the end of the day, candidates want employers who are willing to add value to their careers.  

Large corporations use Draup’s proprietary AI/Big Data intelligence frameworks to evaluate characteristics of candidates across industries, companies, and geographies to maximize their recruitment efforts. To secure the most likely candidate, you need to make sure you are the most likely employer.