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Future Skills for Human Resources

• HR professionals must adapt to current market conditions by anticipating and managing skills gaps, recruiting, and personnel development.

• Communication, persuasion, coaching, advising, confidence, adaptability, and organization are needed in the Modern HR skillset.

• 2022 HR pros must know HR tech. HR must understand how to use recruiting, training, and onboarding technologies to achieve their tasks.

• HR professionals also require change management skills. During major upheavals, they must be resourceful and communicate well.

• People analytics can help HR find, develop, and keep excellent individuals and enables management to make data-driven decisions.

Visit Draup to identify top skills and resources for HR and prepare to plan, hire & upskill your workforce for 2023!

As HR functions are becoming more strategic than administrative, HR professionals must adapt to modern capital management and acquire skills, including forecasting and managing skills gaps, recruitment investing, talent development, etc. 

Digitalization, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, and other technologies have enhanced talent management and HR specializations. 

HR executives must acquire these skills to help the HR department prosper: 

Soft skills 

Communication, persuasion, coaching, advising, confidence, adaptability, and organizational skills are vital in today’s working environment. 

HR can build communication skills by reading books, participating in public speaking, and attending negotiation, persuasion, and conflict management training. 

Digital adaptation 

HR professionals need to acquire knowledge of HR tech in 2022. Keeping up with AI and VR advancements will give you a competitive advantage. Additionally, there are tools to aid organization and time management. 

HR must not only acquaint themselves with recruiting, training and development, and onboarding technology but also learn how to fulfill their responsibilities using these platforms. 

Organization capability analysis 

HR professionals must take change management training to be future-ready. When significant shifts occur, they must be resourceful and communicate clearly. 

For instance, future-ready HR leaders helped their staff move to remote work with fewer interruptions than those who weren’t future-ready during COVID-19. 

Organizations practicing change management are more suited to implement remote work, coordinate organizational changes, propose new structures, and ensure a smooth transition. 

People analytics 

People analytics collects and transforms HR data into valuable business insights. With big data, the management can simplify massive internal and external databases. 

People analytics can identify attrition, absenteeism, and overtime. Additionally, it measures the impact of HR metrics on business performance, helps HR locate, develop, and retain exceptional employees, and enables leaders to make data-driven choices. 

Talent development and training facilitation 

Organizations develop, generate, and exchange information internally and externally. 

When HR collaborate with Learning & Development (L&D) professionals, they can build courses and enable learning across platforms and environments. 

These learning opportunities can improve stakeholder collaboration and promote sound decision-making, innovation, and growth. 

Recruitment marketing 

Effective recruitment is a core HR skill. The current business environment has increased the need to use effective marketing techniques for talent acquisition. 

Recruitment marketing is a skill that uses strategies and tools to acquire and develop talent. It can promote organizational principles, brand values, and attractive packages. 

HR professionals must learn to use social media, omnichannel communication, data, and targeted messaging for recruitment marketing. 

Workforce planning and leadership 

A successful HR practice is built on solid leadership skills encompassing persuasion, communication, coaching, advising, adaptability, and organizational management. 

They are invaluable in today’s workplace and ensure collaboration even during difficult times. 

Anticipating future needs, as mentioned before, is crucial for HR professionals to solve staffing problems. 

Workforce planning helps you analyze, forecast, and have the required talent. You can choose the right people by assessing the skill gap and talent needed. 

The following infographic illustrates the skills necessary to manage HR operations successfully. 

Future Skills for Human Resources

So, How Should HR and Recruiters Operate During Uncertain Times 

HR executives play must foster the ‘collective intelligence’ of their organization during uncertain times to survive the periods of severe disruption. One way to do this is to use their skills and leverage technology to: 

  • Create a strong value foundation for your organization. 
  • Plan ahead for specific situations. 
  • Ensure collaboration at all levels. 
  • Establish frequent communication with employees. 
  • Allow for flexibility and enable self-learning programs. 

in order to motivate the workforce and ensure business contuinity beyond 2022. When organizations upgrade HR capacity, they can upskill and support the workforce. 

Vijay Swaminathan, Co-Founder & CEO, Draup, will speak on ‘Future Skills for Human Resources’ at the From Day One conference in Dallas. 

Along with future skills, he will add to using data-driven strategies to wade through recessions, with insights into: 

  • Impact on HR initiatives. 
  • Effect on talent acquisition. 
  • Future-proofing the HR function. 
  • Strategies that will help evade talent uncertainty. 

Click here to register 

Time: October 4, 2022, from 1:55 PM to 2:15 PM CST