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Employee Mental Health

Employee Mental Health: HRs to Hold the Fort

HR Professionals across all enterprises alike have the same goal: To choose the right people to be in the right place, at the right time. But the pandemic has confronted these professionals with the challenge of keeping their organization the ‘right place’ and help their co-workers overcome their stress, fears and anxieties, induced by the uncertainty of current times.

Read along to learn more about how HRs across industries have voluntarily redefined their responsibilities and taken up the task of ensuring employee mental health.

The global pandemic has continued to pose us with novel and unique challenges every day. Stay-at-home norm, decreased social interaction and imposed physical distancing on one hand have robbed many of our basic support system and necessary unwinding activities. On the other, financial stressors, uncertainty, lack of job security and constant health concerns have led to stress, fatigue and anxiety finding a permanent abode in our lives.

As we walk through this untrodden paths of extended virtual relationships and novel work environments, ably adapting to the new normal becomes imperative.  While most employers are taking quick steps ahead in terms of employee health and well-being, it is comforting to see some other prioritize mental well-being. The HR Professionals across organizations, who were previously bogged down by administrative and man-management responsibilities, have now risen for the fore, taking up the responsibility of ensuring ‘Mental Wellness for All’.

HR teams in compassionate logos across the globe are leading by example in designing and implementing mental health practices that are not just a one-time thing, but have become a part of the organizational style sheet.

While Ceat Tyres become the first to launch the Cofit-20 initiative, through which they provide regular consultations with their Chief Fitness Officer, Ally Financial has taken a step ahead and offered 100% coverage to mental health services along with developing tailored Well-Being Modules for all their employees.

As Brookfield Properties launches its interactive counselling session, “Thriving in the New Normal”, Capgemini adds webinars, wellness connects and guided meditation series to the list. Uber, on the other hand has understood the importance of community mental health and the role of families in ensuring psychological well-being and has introduced ‘Employee Assistance Programs’ for not only its employees but also their families.

While these popular brands make their mark yet again in the right direction, HR Professionals of innumerable other firms have been going above and beyond in building employee resilience and psychological immunity. Their efforts include:

  • Ensuring virtual engagement across teams and facilitating intra-organizational interaction.
  • Acting as the primary contact point for confounding concerns at work
  • Ensuring all employees receive psychological first-aid as and when required
  • Providing access to mental health services for all their employees
  • Collaborating with clinical practitioners, SMEs and life coaches to organize webinars and awareness drives.
  • Planning and organizing positive lifestyle practice sessions like Yoga, Meditation, Hobby Groups, Gratitude Circle etc.
  • Making empathy, kindness, consideration and support the underlying practice in the firm.

While HR Professionals across the globe become the champions of mental health and hold the fort as their employees battle the new norm, Draup prides on being the source of information, analysis, data and support to thousands of such HRs in carrying out effective man-management.

The Signals Cast tab of Draup’s Talent Intelligence Platform, adds more value to these efforts of the HRs by being a repertoire of newest trends in other organizations. HR Professionals can be inspired by the innumerable employee engagement and well-ness trends that have been effective in other organizations and implement the same in their own.

Thus, Draup not only specializes in providing expert assistance in sourcing and recruitment, but also aids the HR Professionals in Talent Management from start to end, cutting some slack as they focus on making the efforts of their colleagues’ count.