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AI-Powered Talent Management

AI-Powered Talent Management to Find and Prepare Your Future Leaders

With growing attrition rates, HR teams are revisiting their succession strategies to ensure that their leadership teams are not starved of vital talent for too long.  

Strong leadership is indisputably key to business success and organizational health. But with the emergence of startups across industries attracting senior talent with eye-popping incentives, you might often be left with a gap in your team. 

Its also common to inadvertently let succession planning become an informal process, perhaps even basing it mostly on verbal exchanges among team members. Usually, the person leaving drops a suggestion to the HR, who then takes it forward with minimal consideration for any biases that may be involved 

Fortunately, AI-powered talent management can solve this issue. 

Finding Future Leaders With AI 

Why AI? Well, despite studies showing that it is easier and better to hire from within, in the case of leadership positions, HR teams should make an exception 

The net needs to be cast far and wide if you are to find top candidates for your team. Moreover, mere personality analysis isnt always the best way to spot leadership potential because it wont tell you why or how a person comes to a particular decision. 

The more variables added to the search for potential leaders; the more complex the search can become. This often means manually trudging through mounds of data to end up with a not-so-clear shortlist 

But with AI-powered talent management platforms like Draup, recruiters and workforce planners have access to a dashboard of pre-populated best fits for a role of their choice.  

The platform is powered by proprietary models that help HR teams find and attract talent for any niche skillset. The platform also features psychographic analysis of individuals. Draups psychology team identified various fields of interest, motivations, etc. by analyzing the publicly available executive profiles. Based on the insights, the profiles were further categorized into personality buckets such as sports enthusiast, commitment driven, etc. Keywords were generated, and thresholds were calculated to map the profiles for their personality inferences.  

This data provides hiring managers with a holistic view of the person they are scouting for a leadership role 

Each profile is also marked with proprietary metrics that quantify the technical and soft skills match for the role in requirement. 

But what if a profile matches the personality traits of a leadership role but is only a partial match skillswise? 

Preparing Future Leaders With AI 

Thats when internal learning and development teams can leverage Draups extensive AI-powered reskilling modules to re/upskill their prospective candidates.  

Built upon over 4500 job roles across 30,000 skills in 33 industries, Draups reskilling database consists of comprehensive data on over 100,000+ courses.  

Learning teams can use the Reskill Simulator tool to view the skills gap between the current role and the target role. The tool also suggests optimal courses to bridge the skills gap, both technical and soft, in the shortest possible time. 

To put it succinctly, Draups AI reskilling models can identify the skills and knowledge a candidate lacks. Combined with its machine-learning capabilities, the platform can deliver individual learning and development opportunities. 

The urgency to reskill among enterprises has often led them to choose ill-optimized solutions. From choosing employees to be re/upskilled to selecting the right target role, courses to get there, and soft skills essential for the role, all tasks are performed by workforce planners. 

While this is a welcome move, the issue is that human biases and prejudices can easily mar a well-intended initiative. As a result, HR teams are increasingly turning to AI-powered reskilling and upskilling platforms like Draup. 

Draup’s Reskill Simulator is a one-of-its-kind AI simulation tool helping HR leaders visualize the reskilling & upskilling transitions to build concrete L&D frameworks and nurture a sustainable, future-proof workforce.