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Application tracking systems

Why investing in ATS is a must for hiring managers?

The recruiters of today face fresh challenges in this ever-evolving talent market. Modern workplace has become tech-savvy to adapt to the changing recruiting landscape quickly. With technology evolving rapidly, HR leaders move towards a more digital approach in recruiting the ideal candidates.

Application tracking systems or ATS are growing in popularity in the modern workplace. Case in point, 98.8% of Fortune 500 companies such as Starbucks, Airbnb, Nike, Venmo, and Squarespace use ATS. This technology-powered approach to recruitment is helping companies avoid hiring pitfalls, especially in this post-pandemic era.

A vast majority of hiring teams scout for potential candidates using ATS. But how does this non-traditional approach to hiring reap rewards despite significant ongoing challenges in the workplace? We share a few reasons why application tracking systems have become every organization’s go-to partner in winning the talent war.

A modern approach to cutting down on time and money spent

Companies are making amends to their out-of-date hiring approach with ATS platforms. The most noticeable benefit seen when leveraging the power of this modern recruitment approach is that it reduces time and money spent on mundane tasks that can otherwise be automated. AI-based ATS systems help in moving away from the monotonous duties faster by helping out in the following tasks:

  • Save time posting jobs on individual job boards by providing a single sign-in option to access multiple job boards.
  • AI-based screening to evaluate and meticulously scan through resumes automatically
  • Auto-schedule interviews of selected candidates

The aforementioned features can help HR leaders navigate their focus to recruiting the right talent. Further, this also leads to talent acquisition teams mitigating the risks of selecting a bad hire, which will help save costs on re-hiring.

A hassle-free way of tracking candidate applications

Sourcing and connecting to a large talent pool is a time-consuming and strenuous process for talent acquisition teams. ATS systems come in handy when managing and tracking applications.

The easy-to-follow yet straightforward ATS dashboards make talent discovery effortless with up-to-date views of jobs. By filtering out searches based on location, and department, human resources professionals, will have their efforts eliminated when navigating to the preferred talent pool.

The dashboard can help steer to the preferred pool of applicants by ranking them with scores based on their information, thus saving time sifting through countless applications. ATS dashboards define how effective the recruitment process will be by letting talent acquisition teams track KPIs, applicant sources, and hiring marketing efforts.

Building a talent pipeline in advance

The pandemic has exacerbated the recruiting process, but AI-driven tools are helping close the sourcing gaps. ATS supports talent management teams by compiling the details of candidates who have applied for the job.

The tracking system maintains a database of every applicant categorized based on their skill sets, location, and years of experience. This allows HR professionals to fast-track the hiring process and ultimately hire the right candidate.

Since ATS compiles and stores the data in a file, it can help reconnect with the rejected profiles if a similar role opens in the future. Having a list of pre-screened candidates can save time and effort when scanning through a large talent pool to find the right applicant.

While ATS is considered massively crucial for HR and recruitment professionals, it is also important to consider how seamless the software implementation will be. We have chalked down a few tips that will help in the successful implementation of ATS.

  • Familiarizing with the needs of your HR team: First and foremost, having a clear picture of the needs of your talent acquisition team is crucial. Once you have learned the team’s requirements, you can go ahead to select a suitable ATS platform.
  • Acquainting the team with the software: Training your recruitment team on using the ATS software will ensure that adoption of the system is rewarding. Initially, ATS vendors will help teams by elaborating the process to help talent acquisition teams safely navigate recruiting tasks.
  • Cross-checking for errors: Lastly, testing the software to find any errors. By carefully examining the software, you can share your feedback with the vendor and request improvements or changes.

The planning and implementation of your ATS software require a collective effort. The selected ATS partner must guide your talent acquisition teams to adopt this new approach of recruitment. Successful execution of the system can yield significant recruitment ROI to your company.

Application tracking systems are remarkably effective in attracting, identifying, and hiring the best candidates. Talent intelligence platforms like Draup analyze personality traits, employee information, engagement guidelines, and a hiring opportunity index to suggest candidates for a profile. It enables HR teams and hiring strategists to dive deep into various hiring trends and engagement to empower their recruitment with data.