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Micro-services architecture: A talent intelligence perspective

Very soon, all Recruiters will be talking about Microservices talent which is going to change the talent landscape in future.  We want to be a bit ahead and bring this to you.  We have put together the taxonomy of job-roles around this.

‘Microservices Architecture’, despite being around for a considerable while now, is gaining popularity and momentum only in recent times. With major organizations viewing at the incorporation of this new-age architecture, the demand for Microservice talent is expected to be skyrocketing in no time.

Owing to the ease of implementations, major organizations and start-ups were seen to build their systems by incorporating a monolithic architecture. Lower investment rates and the quicker process installations of monolithic architecture had effortlessly drawn the attention of business owners. This would fuel their aspiration of getting their business up and running, at the earliest. However, with the increased growth and maturing projects, the limitations of these legacy architectures happened to surface before long.

With growing systems and expanding data handling requirements, the codes become complicated and the architecture increasingly complex, layered and time-consuming. The interdependency of the software built in a monolithic architecture further delimits the flexibility of process corrections or isolated updates. Scalability, on the other hand, needs to be developed and implemented at once and cannot be handled at independent operational levels. Thus, raising the demand for more developers. All of this ultimately resulting in the loss of speed, flexibility, and agility reduces the efficiency of organizations in addressing the market requirements.

On the flip side, the microservice architecture facilitates the compartmentalization of business processes into smaller chunks that are capable of autonomous operations and monitoring. All the operations here are agile, adaptable, robust and complete. It also carries out an independent set of internal communications through APIs. Increased time efficiency and ease of process maintenance offered by the microservices architecture thus has made legendary organizations walk the path of digital transformation. Adding to these apparent advantages is a list of benefits which can help the corporations spearhead their business functions:

  • Ease of product development and performance maintenance
  • Independent deployment and autonomous scaling
  • Increased flexibility and scope for technology change on the go
  • Phased implementation and updates
  • Improved speed and productivity
  • Autonomous and cross-functional teams

Amazon, eBay, Zalando, and others were the first of the global organizations to realize the advantages of microservices architecture and transform their IT infrastructures, including internal organizational structures. While Coca Cola’s Global IT group has turned towards microservices to connect their entities across continents and boost their growth, eBay is finding an answer to its massive data traffic challenge through the implementation of microservice architecture.

Recent market trends analysis indicates that major corporations will increasingly transform their IT infrastructure from monolithic approach to microservices architecture. And the only way to build this architecture is to get microservices talents who are capable of understanding these skills and mastering autonomous operations.

Draup efficiently understands the industry requirements, talent characteristics, taxonomy of roles and the skills required to develop a microservice architecture. Further, it also draws from the experience of working with the customers around this area along with internally following a microservice architecture. Thus, Draup emerges as a one stop solution for all the transformational requirements.