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Leveraging Analytics to Create a More Inclusive Workplace

  • A diverse and inclusive workplace has many benefits, including increased innovation, customer understanding, and employee retention.
  • Simply hiring a diverse workforce is not enough; companies must leverage analytics to understand employee experiences.
  • Analytics can help companies identify and address unconscious biases, monitor diversity metrics, analyze employee feedback, and more.
  • Based on data analysis, organizations can develop action plans to address areas that need improvement.
  • A diverse workforce not only benefits the employees themselves but also leads to improved business outcomes.  

    According to a study, companies in the top quartile for gender, racial, and ethnic diversity are 36% more likely to have financial returns above their national industry medians. 

    Companies that embrace diversity and inclusion tend to be more innovative and better able to understand and serve their customers. However, simply hiring a diverse workforce is not enough. 

    Companies need to leverage analytics to better understand employee experiences and identify areas for improvement.  

    Benefits of a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace 

    A diverse and inclusive workplace has many benefits for both employees and the company as a whole.  

    Data suggests companies with inclusive cultures are 6 times more likely to be innovative and twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets. Some additional benefits include: 

    • Increased innovation: A diverse workforce brings together people with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. It can lead to more innovative thinking and problem-solving. In fact, research says that companies with diverse management teams have 19% higher revenue due to innovation. 
    • Improved customer understanding: A diverse workforce help companies better understand and serve their customers from various backgrounds and experiences. 
    • Improved employee retention: According to the Glassdoor study, a diverse and inclusive workplace is the most important factor for employee retention. Employees are more likely to stay with a company where they feel valued and included.  
    • Improved reputation: 71% of professionals want to work for a company that promotes diversity. Companies committed to diversity and inclusion are more attractive to potential employees, customers, and investors. This helps to improve the company’s reputation and brand image. 

    Leveraging Analytics for Diversity and Inclusion 

    By tapping into analytics, companies can uncover cultural discrepancies that may be overlooked otherwise. While data alone won’t solve all D&I issues, it’s essential in measuring progress and ensuring everyone has equal growth and success opportunities. 

    Here are some ways to use analytics to increase diversity and inclusivity in a workplace: 

    Identify biases 

    One of the biggest challenges in creating an inclusive workplace is identifying and addressing unconscious biases.  

    A study by Harvard Business Review found that men are more likely to be promoted based on their potential, while women are more likely to be promoted based on past accomplishments. 

    Analytics can help by identifying patterns in hiring, performance evaluations, and promotions that may be influenced by bias.  

    Monitor diversity metrics 

    It’s important to track diversity metrics such as gender, race, ethnicity, and age to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. Analytics help companies monitor these metrics over time and identify areas where progress is being made and where more work needs to be done. 

    Measure employee engagement 

    Employee engagement is a key indicator of how employees experience the workplace. By using analytics to measure engagement, companies can identify areas where employees may be feeling disconnected or disengaged. 

    For example, if a certain team or department consistently scores lower on engagement surveys than others, it may be a sign that something needs to be addressed. 

    Analyze employee feedback 

    Employee feedback is a valuable source of information for identifying areas where the workplace could be more inclusive. In fact, companies that act on employee feedback see a 14.9% increase in employee engagement.  

    Companies can identify common themes and trends and develop targeted strategies by analyzing employee feedback. 

    7 Strategies to Infuse D&I into your Workplace 

    Based on the data analysis, organizations can develop action plans to address areas that need improvement. This includes initiatives such as training and development programs, employee resource groups, and diversity recruiting efforts. 

    1. Define specific goals and metrics related to D&I, such as increasing the representation of underrepresented groups in leadership positions or reducing bias in hiring processes. 
    2. Develop and implement training programs for employees, managers, and executives on topics such as unconscious bias, cultural competency, and inclusive leadership. 
    3. Create employee resource groups (ERGs) that provide a supportive community for employees from diverse backgrounds and offer opportunities for networking, mentorship, and professional development. 
    4. Review and revise company policies to ensure they are inclusive and equitable, such as updating parental leave policies or removing biased language from job descriptions. 
    5. Hold leaders accountable for promoting and advancing diversity and inclusion within the organization, such as tying executive compensation to progress on D&I goals. 
    6. Foster a culture of inclusion by encouraging open communication, recognizing and celebrating diversity, and providing opportunities for employees to give feedback and be heard. 
    7. Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of D&I initiatives and adjust strategies as needed based on feedback and data analysis. 

    Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace takes time and effort. It requires a holistic approach that considers every aspect of your organization, from talent management to employee engagement. 

    To develop a successful diversity and inclusion strategy, HR leaders must first assess their current situation. Draup’s Diversity Navigator can help by providing insights into ethnic and gender diversity across business operations, geographies, and job roles. These insights can be used to plan career paths for underrepresented groups and promote genuine diversity and inclusion in the workplace.