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Talent Metaverse

Is Your Talent Metaverse-Ready?

The evolution of technology has seen a rapid pace, with some enterprises working on product or service developments while others heavily investing in new ways to change how we use technology. The term “Metaverse” is the latest buzzword that has been capturing the global tech industry’s attention since its announcement. The arrival of the Metaverse will fundamentally change the way we work, and it requires relevant talent going forward. So the question stands, is your talent metaverse-ready?

Metaverse is a Phygital universe that allows humans to interact with other humans or virtual entities to communicate, collaborate, conduct business, or socialize. To turn this concept into a living reality, certain emerging technologies have to be deployed, and every enterprise will need to have talent that is metaverse-ready.

This article explores different technologies to be used in the Metaverse and how you can plan your workforce accordingly.

3D Reconstruction

Since Metaverse will be a digital environment that appears close to our natural world, we will need 3D reconstruction to create realistic and natural-looking spaces. Through special cameras, we can recreate our world by rendering accurate 3D models of buildings, locations, and objects. The 3D spatial data and 4K photography will be then be used to generate a virtual replica in the Metaverse.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are the key technologies to provide us with an immersive and engaging experience to explore the Metaverse. Even though these technologies are related, they are unique in their own way.

AR uses visual elements and characters combined with the real world. Through AR applications, users can experience interactive digital visuals blended into the natural environment, similar to the popular mobile game Pokémon GO. AR will enable a hybrid world, which is already a trend in many industries post the pandemic.

VR works differently because it does not include real-world visuals in it. Much like the Metaverse, it produces an entirely virtual environment for users to explore using VR headsets and sensors. As VR is explored further, it can also involve physical simulations with VR equipment.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

The real world works on transactions and property ownership, and since the Metaverse is a replica of the real world, it will need an economic system.

Blockchain provides a decentralized and transparent solution for digital proof of ownership, digital collectability, governance, and accessibility. Backing this, Cryptocurrencies will enable users to transfer value while working and socializing in the Metaverse.

In the future, Crypto can also be used to incentivize people to work in the Metaverse. As more companies take their offices online following this trend, we might see metaverse-related jobs being offered.

Artificial intelligence and Machine learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely applied in our lives in recent years. From making data-driven talent decisions to something as simple as ordering food, AI is now integrated into every major technology in use today.

Since the announcement of the Metaverse, AI experts have been studying the possibilities of applying AI to the creation of metaverse, and the results are promising.

AI has the potential to process data at faster speeds. Combined with ML algorithms, we can learn from user behavior, considering historical data to come up with different experiences for every user.

Within the metaverse, AI can be applied to the non-player characters (NPCs) in different scenarios. NPCs can be placed across the Metaverse with AI’s processing abilities to facilitate lifelike conversations with users or perform other specific tasks.

Another potential application for AI is in the creation of Metaverse avatars. AI engines can be used to analyze 2D images or 3D scans to generate avatars that look more realistic and accurate. This can include different facial expressions, hairstyles, clothes, and features to enhance the digital humans we create.

Internet of Things (IoT)

One of the applications of IoT in the Metaverse is to collect and provide data from the physical world. This would increase the accuracy of the digital representations. For example, IoT data feeds could change the way certain objects function based on the current weather or other conditions.

Implementing IoT can seamlessly connect the 3D world to a large number of real-life devices, creating a Phygital space. This enables the creation of real-time simulations in the metaverse. This can also be looked at as an opportunity for service providers to enter the IoT space of the Metaverse.

As Metaverse continues to grow and merge itself into our reality, the need for the talent that is metaverse-ready starts to turn a necessity. At such a time, reskilling is the need of the hour to equip your workforce with the right skills to participate in the Metaverse trend.

Draup is an AI-powered  talent intelligence platform  that delivers HR leaders with data-backed insights into global talent pool, cost modeling, and reskilling pathways neccessary. This will help you to manage talent faster and drive company-wide reskilling initiatives or hire quality talent for your Metaverse ambitions.