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From Redundancy to Reskilling: Strategies for Helping Employees Transition to New Roles

  • As technology disrupts traditional job roles, companies must reskill and upskill their employees to transition to new roles.
  • Reskilling is a long-term strategy that helps companies build a resilient and adaptable workforce.
  • Companies can help employees transition to new roles by identifying transferable skills, providing training and development opportunities, and offering career counseling and coaching.
  • Other strategies include mentorship programs, cross-training, shadowing opportunities, encouraging professional development, offering flexible work arrangements, and creating a culture of learning and development.
  • As the world of work evolves, the need for reskilling and upskilling has become more important than ever before.  

    A World Economic Forum report found that over 1.4 million jobs are expected to be disrupted by technology in the United States alone by 2026. 

    With automation and other technologies disrupting traditional job roles, many workers face the possibility of redundancy.  

    But redundancy doesn’t have to mean the end of a career.  

    Companies with proper strategies can help employees navigate these changes and transition to new roles. 

    9 Reskilling Strategies for Successful Employee Transition  

    Reskilling is not just a way to mitigate the impact of redundancies or layoffs; it is a long-term strategy that can help organizations build a more resilient and adaptable workforce.  

    By investing in reskilling programs, companies can create a culture of learning and development that empowers their people to thrive in the face of change. 

    Here are some strategies companies can use to help employees transition to new roles: 

    1. Identify Transferable Skills 

    To help employees transition to new roles, companies must identify the transferable skills they already possess.  

    Transferable skills are all those that can be applied to a range of different roles and industries, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management.  

    By identifying these skills, companies can determine which employees are most likely to succeed in new roles and which skills may need further development. 

    For example, an employee who has worked in customer service may have developed excellent communication and problem-solving skills that could be applied to a role in sales or marketing.  

    Similarly, an employee with experience in data analysis may be able to transition to a role in business intelligence or strategic planning. 

    2. Provide Training and Development Opportunities 

    After identifying transferable skills, companies must provide employees with training and development opportunities to transition to new roles. These opportunities may include workshops, courses, certifications, or on-the-job training. 

    Companies should work closely with employees to determine the most appropriate training and development opportunities for their needs. This may involve identifying gaps in knowledge or skills and tailoring reskilling programs to address these gaps. 

    3. Provide Career Counseling and Coaching 

    Employees who receive regular feedback and coaching are 3 times more likely to be engaged at work. 

    Career counseling and coaching can help employees identify their strengths and interests and explore new career paths.  

    This can include working with a career coach, taking personality and skills assessments, or participating in mentorship programs. 

    4. Mentorship Programs 

    Mentorship programs can be an effective way to support employees as they transition to new roles.  

    Mentors can provide guidance, support, and advice to employees as they navigate their new roles and develop new skills. This can be particularly helpful for employees who are transitioning to roles in which they have little or no experience. 

    Mentorship programs can be formal or informal and implemented within the company or through external networks.  

    Companies may also want to consider providing mentorship training to both mentees and mentors to ensure the program is effective and beneficial for all involved. 

    5. Cross-Train Employees 

    Cross-training involves an employee learning new skills by working in different roles within the company. This can be a particularly effective strategy for companies that want to develop a more agile and adaptable workforce.  

    Cross-training can also benefit employees, as it allows them to develop a broader range of skills and knowledge. 

    6. Provide Shadowing Opportunities 

    Provide employees with the opportunity to shadow colleagues in other departments or roles. This can help employees gain new skills and knowledge that can be applied to their current or new roles within the company.  

    Additionally, it can help build a culture of collaboration and cross-functional learning. 

    7. Encourage Professional Development Outside the Company 

    Encourage employees to pursue professional development opportunities outside of the company. This can include attending industry conferences, joining professional associations, or taking courses at local universities or community colleges.  

    By supporting employees in their pursuit of professional development, companies can help them stay ahead of the curve and prepare for new roles. 

    8. Offer Flexible Work Arrangements 

    Consider offering flexible work arrangements to employees who are transitioning to new roles. This can include part-time or remote work options, job sharing, or flexible schedules.  

    By providing these options, companies can help employees balance their work and personal responsibilities while they are learning new skills and adapting to new roles. 

    9. Create a Culture of Learning and Development 

    According to a recent study, organizations with a strong learning culture are 92% more likely to develop innovative products and processes. 

    Companies can create a culture of learning and development by celebrating and recognizing employees taking on new roles and acquiring new skills.  

    This can include highlighting success stories in company newsletters or on social media, hosting events to celebrate employee achievements, or offering incentives for employees who complete training programs. 

    According to a WEF report, by 2025, 50% of all employees will need reskilling as technology adoption in the workplace increases. 

    Draup for Talent helps companies by providing insights into employees’ skills and potential, enabling managers to identify those who would benefit from reskilling and upskilling. The platform also helps managers design personalized learning paths for each employee, providing access to relevant training and development resources.