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talent acquisition

Doing Talent Acquisition the Right Way

The talent acquisition process involves recruiters, sources, HR practitioners, and recruitment managers. When their tasks are combined, they shape Talent Selection (TA), which is the process of choosing the right person for the role. It also falls under the human resources (HR) umbrella in a corporate environment, and it entails sourcing, finding, screening, training, and onboarding new hires.

Difference between talent acquisition and recruiting

A company’s short-term headcount demands are addressed by job recruitment. On the other hand, talent management is a broad market and HR considers an organization’s long-term objectives and recognizes that individuals (or talent) will play a critical role in its potential growth.

As opposed to merely filling seats, talent acquisition is a continuous procedure that identifies, and vets qualified applicants for executive-level posts, managerial roles, and careers that need advanced training.

Schneider’s Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) theory

Schneider explains how three interconnected factors influence the types of individuals who work in an organization.

Attraction is the first element on talent acquisition.

According to 83% of millennials and 80% of Gen Z, business success should go beyond producing a profit. Job seekers can apply to any agency they choose, but they only use the ones they choose to work with, and these organizations distinguish themselves depending on a variety of criteria. A good workplace identity and a strong value proposition for workers are two examples.

Selection is the second power at work.

After a job applicant applies, the organization’s talent acquisition team is responsible for selecting applicants that are a good fit for both the position and the company.

It is about the right fit between the individual and the role and the right fit between the person and the organization.

Attrition is the third power.

If the individual and the work or company are not a good match, the person will leave. This ensures that the talent management team keeps employees who are compatible with the company’s values and culture.

Important steps in talent acquisition

1. Sourcing and lead generation

The talent acquisition team must ensure the job description is accurate. It all begins there. Develop connections and make the talent requirements known to as many people as possible. You will end up with a vast pool of talented prospects and a much bigger stream of prospective recruits if you do it this way.

2. Recruiting and attracting

Remember to have a good organizational identity. Talent acquisition involves maintaining a positive candidate relationship from beginning to end. The importance of having a suitable candidate-recruiter relationship cannot be overstated.

3. Interviewing and assessing

Make a list of at least three critical tasks for the job and vital success-defining KPIs. Then, the talent acquisition team must build the interview around the metrics they have identified. Ask them questions that encourage them to demonstrate their problem-solving abilities.

4. Hiring and onboarding

Make an offer to the most suitable candidate after they have been shortlisted and ask for references. The final move is simple: welcome the new employee to the company and build a strong working partnership through streamlining processes.

Draup, an AI-based talent intelligence platform, can assist your company in talent acquisition by analyzing and evaluating the underlying talent attributes across industries, firms, regions, and individuals to deliver essential insights for recruiters to make the best recruiting decisions possible.