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Creating Talent Marketplace to Meet Additional Talent Requisites

External talent acquisition practices have come to a hard stop in the business arena, owing to the storm created by a global pandemic during the quarter. While major organizations are found grappling to merely keep their heads above the water, fresh talent requirements to cater to additional business operations emerges as one of the greatest challenges.

Draup at this point, would like to call attention to the alternative options available at hand to combat the challenge of additional talent requirements. A thought-provoking idea on similar lines is to evaluate the possibilities of redirecting and utilizing the talent acquisition resources to create a robust internal talent marketplace. The aim here is to help organizations leverage their existing internal workforce to efficiently meet the growing business demands, by developing adjacent processes.

The ideal two-step model in the creation of an effective internal marketplace now includes:

  • A shift in focus from core skills to adjacent skills: Recruiters are always commendable at their abilities to identify the candidates with most relevant qualifications and current skill sets to bring them on board. However, creating an internal talent marketplace would require them to develop skills to shift their focus from candidates with core skills to the ones with relevant adjacent skill sets and a high trainability score.
  • Building processes around crossteam recruitments: Subsequently, recruiters are also expected to effectively communicate the emergence of cross-team recruitment opportunities. They are to build processes around this in a way that every employee is informed and gets an equal opportunity. All the job openings are to be made known to the employees, giving them an opportunity to nominate themselves for the role by building and standardizing processes around the same.

Global corporations like Unilever and Schneider Electric have been in the news for their pathbreaking talent marketplace disruptions. Drawing from such pioneers, the best practices in remoulding the internal mobility models can be listed as follows:

  • Reassessing the skills of candidates and categorizing them based on trainability scores
  • Cleaning up the skills inventory and maintaining an updated set of profiles and resumes
  • Conducting 1:1 mock interview to sharpen the skills and find talents for cross-team hiring
  • Encouraging employees to build their own talent profiles and get them validated
  • Rolling out JDs and job postings for existing employees for the open roles in the organization
  • Matching the talent profiles and JDs to create a list of most desirable hires
  • Aiding the candidates to find their fit and make a choice through HR professionals
  • Establishing enterprise-wide standards in carrying out cross-team recruitment
  • Launching of training and mentoring facilities to ensure a smooth transition for candidates

Redirecting the time and efforts from external talent acquisition towards the creation of talent marketplace and internal mobility, enables major organizations in optimally utilizing the talents of their existing workforce and efficiently address their growing business requirements.