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Sales Organization

Upleveling Your Sales Organization with Sales Enablement

External changes influence what happens inside your business. Communication modes will evolve, and your customers and prospects will expect you to use them. The way they are subscribing to products and services is also changing.

Emerging technologies provide the tools and resources to make those interactions as purposeful as possible. Changing marketplace behaviors and new business enablement resources impact every aspect of your business, but nowhere is they more apparent than sales and marketing.

Signs of Need for Sales Enablement

1. More time and money spent on sales

On average, sales reps waste half their time on unqualified leads. More conferences, leads, and content do not automatically translate to sales. More than 95% of prospective customers buy from sales reps who provided helpful content at every stage of their buying journey.

A disconnect between marketing and sales due to leads not being the right kind or sellers not equipped to position, qualify, and manage the conversation shows an inefficient use of the marketing budget.

2. Not optimizing time in sales activities

About 80% of sales require at least five follow-up calls, but half of the salespeople quit after one. Not talking to prospects and customers translates to revenue forfeiture. Reducing non-selling tasks and increasing efficiency is a key priority for a sales enablement manager, including assessing and measuring all non-selling tasks to see which ones they can eliminate, automate, or delegate.

3. New sales reps are not able to ramp up

With new hires being a considerable investment, it is tough to reach RoI without an effective onboarding and ramp-up program. It is said that continuous sales training on average increases net sales by 50%.

4. The sales from your team is more price than the value

The mounting competition may give the impression that your products are commoditized, leading to the decreasing average revenue per sales. However, the most effective sales reps use CRM software and marketing automation.

5. Your organization has aggressive growth goals

Your organization has high goals or is growing faster with the help from your sales team tasked to increase revenue via additional sales hires or increased quotas per rep.

How can Sales Enablement Help a Sales Team?

Sales enablement can align sales and marketing functions when you empower the team with the content and training needed to inform, empower and convert more leads. Additionally, a solid sales enablement program will create a consistent sales onboarding and rigorous training experience.

Sales enablement can ensure better cross-team collaboration, helping the marketing team gets balanced input from the field to improve messaging, insights, and differentiation. With the data collected by the sales enablement, management can have the insights it needs to make smart decisions and continuously improve.

How Will it Uplevel Your Sales Team?

It provides invaluable data – By providing your salespeople with insights into your buyers’ behaviors, motivations, and pain points, they can appeal to the buyer’s unique needs and interests, and the chances of making a sale increase substantially.

An effective way to stay in touch with buyers – It provides them with relevant information and insights, letting them nurture leads continually and letting your company stay in the lead’s mind until they are ready to make a purchase.

Builds lasting relationships – Sales enablement makes sure that your sales team has the information they need to develop lasting, meaningful relationships with each prospect over time, substantially increasing the likelihood of closing the deal. Prospects like it when someone pitching to them know everything about them, be it the pain points, challenges, achievements, etc.

Successful conversations convert driving revenue – All the above benefits will allow your sales teams to have a successful sales conversation, even more, the reason to adopt sales enablement into your strategy. With deals closing and more deal opportunities, sales enablement can drive revenue for your organization and support your company’s long-term goals.

Draup is a sales enablement platform that can schedule campaigns and follow up automatically. Sales representatives can use real-time analytics to get insights into campaign performances and conversations to tailor packages to cater to the pain points.