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Array of sales enablement opportunities across 5G labs and test centres

With 5G standardization in view, Telcos around the globe are aggressively running 5G trials with the objective of enabling the technology for cross-vertical use-cases.  Major Tele Corporations like Huawei, Vodafone etc. have been setting up test centres and CoEs to pilot use-cases acceleration across manufacturing, retail, auto and other industries. With this context, analyzing the center setup trends and their respective focus areas can largely assist SPs in identify the macro and micro projects that are open for monetizing.

Marking a giant leap from 4G, 5G is on-road to redefine the way communication technologies work completely. With ultra-speed, large network capacity and lower latency, 5G is promising to become a huge disruptive force in the coming months. With the power to fuel digitization, 5G is likely to enable cross-industry use cases across entertainment to healthcare.

These high potential attributes have pushed Telcos to accelerate the 5G launch by opening test centres and centre of excellence around the globe. Telco giants and other technology leaders have been highly active in setting up centres that accelerates 5G deployment and related cross-industry innovations.

  • Verizon has opened a new 5G Lab in London that will be focused on exploring critical 5G use cases such as autonomous vehicles, smart communities, virtual healthcare, smart manufacturing, immersive education, etc.
  • Telefónica and Dekra have joined hands to open a testing environment to validate devices, applications and services that support the development of connected driving with 5G solutions and V2X vehicle technologies
  • Huawei plans to open a 5G factory in France that will supply 5G innovations and solution to entire Europe. The factory will focus on new-age solutions across verticals like driverless cars, smart cities, smart factory, virtual health, etc.

These 5G centres are acting as co-innovation platforms for universities, Start-ups, Telcos and other industry players that are targeting immediate deployment of use-cases. Service providers that target these innovation spaces would reap significant advantages in winning deals. Such innovation spaces would create an opportunity for service providers to pitch multiple value propositions with various industry players.  Some of the major service/solution opportunities in 5G centres include:

  • 5G design and deployment services
  • 5G managed services and private network rollouts
  • Industry specific application development and integration services over Edge and Cloud computing
  • Proof-of-concept: Support telecom and vertical players in experimenting and piloting innovative use cases
  • Device integration, connectivity platform development and legacy systems transformation

Draup’s ecosystem intelligence enables us to precisely identify the specific use-cases and capabilities that a technology centre withholds across various locations. We curate these specific focus areas across centres by mapping the digital intentions of enterprises and the capabilities that are involved in development of solutions. We track high value opportunity areas like 5G in real time and deliver such valuable signals to some of our clients on a weekly basis to help them take instant measures in their sales processes.