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Leveraging IoT technology to combat COVID-19 crisis

Leveraging IoT technology to combat COVID-19 crisis

The mark of COVID-19 is getting deeper with each passing day creating havoc in our society and economy. The adoption of new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) has accelerated with use cases like tracking of COVID-19 patients etc. and will continue to grow post-calamity.

Technologies have been used in various ways to solve day-to-day problems. One such innovative solution is the IoT technology which is a scalable and automated solution. Ever since its inception, it has experienced enormous growth across various industries with applications in autonomous vehicles, connecting the home to IoT, smart watches, etc.

Now, the current situation of pandemic spread has intensified many critical problems like health problems and require solutions that can address the issues. IoT is being leveraged to fight the COVID-19 spread in many ways:

  • Identifying the coronavirus pandemic: IoT can be applied to detect the origin of this outbreak. For instance, the Geographic Information System (GIS) is an effective IoT tool that can trace mobile phone data to identify infected patients and all the persons who have met them. This can act as an early warning system. Airport scanners are being used to monitor temperature and other symptoms.
  • IoT for smart patient management: IoT is helping in monitoring the patients who are quarantined. Public health personnel can easily track the various patients staying quarantined and breaching the norm with the available IoT data. Digital thermometers like Kinsa, are being used to screen patients. Livongo Health is offering remote IoT monitoring solutions to patients suffering from chronic diseases like diabetes.
  • Scaling resources in the hospitals: A hospital in Wuhan, China is using IoT robots to undertake various tasks. These activities include cleaning, disinfecting, delivering medicines and taking the temperature of patients in the hospitals. This allows nursing staff to take care of critical cases thereby lessening the transmission of the virus in the hospitals.

Such IoT-based health solutions are gaining huge traction to control the pandemic. Businesses across industries are looking for such solutions that can help them continue their business processes/operations without making it a standstill.

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