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Sales Outreach

How Sales Teams can Curate Leads to Master Their Sales Outreach

The competition has become nerve-wracking for enterprises as several players enter the market and approach small and large enterprise clients. The need of the hour solution for enterprises facing unprecedented challenges in current times can be met with a fool-proof sales outreach strategy.

The objective of churning out maximum leads remains the same across businesses — to successfully close more deals, build relationships with clients and generate extraordinary interest in your offerings.

The pre-pandemic modus operandi of sales professionals included in-person meetings and networking. The pandemic has changed this outdated way of approaching prospects.

Before we deep dive into the strategies required in broadcasting your offerings’ presence, a layman’s understanding of the subject of sales outreach becomes imperative. Sales outreach is a strategy used to engage with prospects who have turned cold but look promising to become active customers of your current offerings.

With the rise in data-backed segmentation, sales teams have found a fresh approach to target their audience more accurately than ever before. Let us now explore how to generate more leads with the help of sales intelligence platforms and transform cold clients into potential buyers.

Securing Leads for Better Sales Outreach

COVID-19 completely overhauled the way sales teams target prospects. Given that the task of generating leads isn’t all plain sailing in these uncertain times, we have jotted down the right strategies to help you with your sales outreach.

Engaging with the Right Buying Committee

Venturing out with offerings before understanding your audience base is not the smartest move. Sales reps must spend time connecting with potential customers, as chasing uninterested prospects would only result in a waste of time.

While the sales team is constantly interacting with countless contacts, there is also a higher chance of connecting with the wrong leads. A common strategy used across industries is to chalk out a comprehensive ideal customer profile (ICP) that comprises vital pieces of information, including location, business intentions, and digital tech stacks of your potential customer.

Sales teams can take a cue from the recent developments in technology, as technologies like AI have become the pillar for modern sales enablement. Case in point, a report pointed out that high-performing sales teams are 4.9x more likely to use AI than other sales teams.

With sales intelligence platforms, sales teams can alleviate the time-consuming task of finding prospects and creating an out-and-out ICP. AI-powered sales intelligence platforms like Draup come with the potential of enhancing the overall accuracy of your ICP by thoroughly examining your customers.

By first identifying your customer’s pain points, you will be able to pick the right prospects that fit your bill and close the deal sooner.

Leveraging the use of Right Channels

The second and the most fundamental step in scouting more leads for your sales outreach program is by connecting to the proper channels that your target audience is available.

With digital media taking center stage, social media platforms like LinkedIn have become the go-to channels to connect with B2B prospects. Although the platform serves the best data available of your audience, confirm the information is accurate by visiting the prospects’ organization’s website.

Cold email outreach is another proven approach in the marketing and sales field. While email outreach does eliminate the traditional process of in-person meetings, what remains a hurdle is how do you figure out whom to approach and what will be the messaging?

Sales intelligence platforms such as Draup offer insights into the key decision-makers within an organization. It offers data on their engaged workloads and business functions and focuses on sales engagement guidelines.

A strategy that escalated even before the pandemic has become the common B2B practice to lure maximum interest coupled with the power of delivering maximum lead rates and marketing ROI. A notable research agency also quoted that four out of five B2B buyers prefer to be approached over email than any other medium.

Automating Your Outreach

Sales representatives are often engrossed in mundane tasks that aren’t even closely related to sealing deals or building client relationships.

With more and more investments pouring into technology to enhance sales interaction, sales teams can harness the power of automation tools to automate most of their sales outreach process.

Enterprises can leverage tools based on their current business needs. The standard options can help with email automation, sending out meeting reminders, and understanding how leads engage with their sales teams.

Today, AI and machine learning innovations have replaced the rote work that representatives previously handled to generate leads. AI-powered sales intelligence platforms can reduce low-value and repetitive tasks by up to 23% by automating tasks, streamlining workflows, and facilitating effective internal and external communications.

The integration of such tools allows sales teams to concentrate on high-value sales activities, including networking and prospecting, analyzing buyer research and proposal performance, and further connecting with new prospects.

AI-powered sales intelligence platforms such as Draup empower their clientele to champion the market by putting forth an extensive pool of data, well-researched analytics, latest trends, and best practices of the industries into the hands of decision-makers.

By leveraging Draup’s proprietary tools, sales teams no longer have to worry about generating quality leads and can instead move quickly from prospecting to pitching to deal closure in record time.