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edtech leveraging technology

How is EdTech Leveraging Technology

The epidemic has accelerated several fundamental developments in the global economy that was already underway. It forced most of the companies we are familiar with into the digital platform.

Employers realized the value and significance of working from home and learning from home in the year 2020. On the other hand, learners learned that upskilling or reskilling is the only way to advance and maintain a long-term profession.

Furthermore, the change to digital even for degrees, as envisioned in the National Education Policy (NEP 2020), aligns exceptionally well with developing technology, giving us hope that we will eventually see a massive boom in digital use in education.

The year 2021 will be marked by change and evolution. As all educational institutions, large and small, embrace a hybrid approach to learning, the ed-tech business is expanding.

EdTech Company Teaches Teachers to ‘Teach Amazing’

Florida-based ChalkTalk, a New York tech business whose platform employs machine learning to develop individualized curriculum for high school teachers, has received a $3 million early investment round.

ChalkTalk’s purpose is to assist instructors in rapidly and successfully creating lesson plans that are aligned with the requirements and schedules of the individual class being taught.

ChalkTalk’s technology may also be customized for virtual, in-person, or hybrid education environments, according to the press release, making it an incredibly well-timed arrival into the market. While K-12 education is the company’s primary target market, it may also serve higher education, corporate training, and lifelong learning institutions.

The Rise of Technology in EdTech

In 2021, AI and Machine Learning are expected to have a 47 percent increase in influence in EdTech. The capacity of these technologies to automate even the most fundamental functions, such as grading, communication, inquiries, feedback, assessment, and progress, enhances the entire user experience.

The Growth of EdTech

In the field of technology-assisted learning, there is a vast uncharted territory. In the e-learning area, more organizations will look for new ways to develop, develop, and execute. As the ed-tech business grows, so does the ease with which students may adopt the technology. Soon, hybrid learning will be the cornerstone of education.

AR and VR Will Play an Important Role in EdTech

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are already widespread and in use. Interactive learning platforms that use augmented reality (AR) empower and enable students and teachers to enjoy the classroom experience. Educationalists may use this technology to broaden a classroom’s environment by including films and visuals, making it more engaging and interactive for students.

Whether the instructors bring a historical character to life or create a full-fledged business simulation in the classroom, they will always have more options to explore than ever before.

Mobile to Help Increase EdTech Adoption

Learning via devices and applications may be as exciting and as the year 2020 demonstrated. These applications may also be used to administer examinations, assign tasks, submit assignments, and assess delivery and comprehension.

A New Form of Classroom to Evolve

Students working on robotics, for example, will have sophisticated but appropriate equipment at their stations. Classrooms will become more interactive due to this configuration, and students will have more opportunities to engage with the domains of their choosing.

EdTech establishes a more vital link between what happens in the classroom and what happens outside the classroom (at home, on the bus, etc.), making teacher-approved digital educational resources, such as assignments and test prep material, available with a continuous learning experience.

Draup identifies upskilling/reskilling and skill gap-bridging curriculums/certification programs offered by worldwide institutions/universities. Draup makes sure that your company stays ahead of the curve when it comes to labor trends.