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The BIG List of Critical Sales KPIs you need to know

The BIG List of Critical Sales KPIs you need to know

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Running a modern sales team without solid, data-powered goals is nearly impossible. Setting clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is imperative to succeeding in the dynamic market of 2023.  

Sales KPIs must match the specific needs of your sales team; thus, setting and tracking the right KPIs largely depends on your sales goals and team composition. B2B sales can get tricky if you’re operating without data, making it even more necessary to continually track and validate sales data to stay ahead. 

What are KPIs in Sales? 

In a nutshell, sales KPIs are metrics that yield critical insights concerning your sales efforts. Sales KPIs convert raw data into key business metrics to evaluate a person, department, or firm’s performance against their goals. 

Sales KPIs help sales execs compare against and achieve strategic goals while helping finetune the process with every new data point. This mainly helps if you’re focused on B2B sales because even a minor hiccup in your sales process can cost you a deal. 

The Exhaustive List of Critical Sales KPIs 

To simplify sales KPIs for you, we’ve kept them concise and descriptive at the same time. Each KPI includes an explanation and the benefits of using it. 

  1. Number of Calls: This sales KPI summarises a sales rep’s calling activity. This figure indicates the B2B sales effort, which should be examined for improvements. 
  2.  Number of Emails: This KPI shows email prospect engagement. It assesses prospect interest in your emails, which may help you plan the campaign’s next step. 
  3.  Number of Touchpoints: This sales KPI includes a sales rep’s calls, emails, and prospect appointments. This number is used to measure the overall B2B contact efforts. 
  4.  Average Profit Margin: A critical financial KPI that measures how much of sales revenue is profit. Companies can analyze it for products, territories, and more. 
  5.  Sales volume by location: It maps the demand for a service or product based on geographic location. This lets you hyper-personalize your sales efforts. 
  6.  Percent of sales discounts: This KPI helps reps determine which discounts work best and how they affect revenue. This enables you to improve offers and attract buyers. 
  7.  Revenue Growth Rate: This KPI tracks the growth of B2B sales revenue over a period of time. This helps sales teams track progress and identify strategies that contribute.  
  8. Average Cost per unit: This KPI evaluates your company’s marketing cost per product/service purchase. It is used to evaluate your marketing efforts. 
  9. Customer Acquisition Costs: This KPI tracks the amount it costs to acquire a new customer. Comparing acquisition cost to average sale price indicates growth. 
  10.  Number of opportunities created: This KPI measures the number of active prospects that have entered the funnel. This predicts sales and top prospects to contact. 
  11.  Number of deals closed: This sales KPI compares your prospecting efforts to closed deals. This helps your sales teams cut prospecting time and close deals faster. 
  12.  Sales Cycle Length: This KPI measures the efficiency of the sales process by tracking the amount of time from a sales rep’s initial prospecting event until deal closure. 
  13.  Number of Proposals sent: This indicates if your sales reps are prospecting for the right in-market buyers. This can help measure the effectiveness of prospecting efforts. 
  14.  Average Lead Response Time: This KPI evaluates the time a sales rep takes to follow up with a lead. This may reveal the cause of a lost lead and possible future conversions. 
  15.  Average follow-up attempts: This sales KPI tracks your sales reps’ activities from initial outreach to the closure of a deal. This can help reduce follow-up efforts. 
  16.  Meeting Acceptance Rate: This KPI divides the total meetings per sales rep by the total prospect replies. The higher this KPI, the better chance to convert prospects. 
  17.  Quote-to-close ratio: The KPI compares deals closed to quotes sent to prospects. This helps evaluate performance by comparing past trends and current objectives.  
  18. Opportunity-to-win ratio: This tracks your sales rep’s prospecting success from early opportunity to closed deal. It helps spot misses, stalls, and objections. 
  19.  Deal win-loss ratio: This is a calculation of won opportunities over those lost. This can help you identify loopholes in your sales process and streamline it to perfection. 
  20.  Number of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs): These leads are ready to be contacted by a sales rep based on their responses to your campaigns. 
  21.  Number of Sales Accepted Leads (SALs): These are MQLs that have been passed on to sales reps to contact and convert into a business opportunity. 
  22.  Number of Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs): These are prospects contacted by a sales rep to explore their intent and ability to purchase. 
  23.  Customer Churn rate: This KPI uncovers number of customers lost because of cancellations or non-renewals. It’s essential to keep this KPI low for steady revenue. 
  24.  Customer Engagement Rate: This KPI tracks the consistency of interactions between a company and its customers to build the relationship. 
  25.  Average sales cycle length: This measures the average time from initial customer interaction to closing a sale. It’s used to evaluate the efficiency of your sales process. 
  26.  Upsell and Cross-sell Rates: This KPI tracks when, how and to what type of customers your sales reps are upselling and cross-selling to.  
  27. Average Purchase Value: This KPI indicates the average amount a customer spends on your products/services. It can be used to incentivize buyers to spend more. 
  28.  Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): This sales KPI measures or estimates how much money your business has made or is likely to make from a specific customer. 

It is critical to set and measure specific KPIs to assist your sales team in boosting revenue. Choosing the appropriate KPIs varies from company to company, and sales teams frequently use metrics that are not applicable to other departments. Before deciding on KPIs for your sales teams, you should identify your sales objectives and the steps necessary to overcome any challenges already in the sales process. 

There are several moving parts in a sales process, and it can sometimes become quite complicated to manage successfully. Enter sales intelligence tools. Sales Intelligence tools like Draup can help you cut down 50% of prospecting time and boost your revenue by 3X.   

Withintelligent real-time sales insights and data, go-to-market teams can –  

  • Track key signals with alerts and build detailed pictures of their target prospects. 
  • Hyper-target prospects by breaking down searches based on location, funding status, company size, leadership changes, etc.  
  • Access filtered data by shortlisting their buyer’s deal size influence, budget control, personality characteristics, sales engagement guidelines, and more. 
  • Generate B2B leads with an ML-based recommendation engine  

Draup is your ideal Go-To-Market Intelligence tool that can help you scale your sales using validated data and AI-powered insights that give you an edge to compete.

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