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Sales enablement tools

Leveraging Sales Enablement Tools for Operational Efficiencies

A sales enablement platform makes it easy to access those resources and track how sales representatives engage. A strong sales enablement team knows what content to provide when to provide it, what skills to develop, and how to develop them.

Here are three solutions that are foundational to the sales enablement tech stacks.

  • Sales readiness tools equip sales representatives with the training, coaching, and content they need to maximize every buyer interaction.
  • Sales engagement tools manage, measure, and optimize interaction with buyers.
  • Sales enablement automation tools help companies organize, find, and promote the proper sales assets.

These tools can assist sales and marketing teams in isolating meaningful material and delivering insights that digitalization and automation may not provide. We explore the benefits of sales enablement tools and how they can find signals amid the noise:

Provides more time on core sales activities

Most sellers spend 64% of their time on admin tasks than sales activity, a considerable percentage of sellers doing non-core activities. These activities include:

  • Searching for sales collateral, proposals, and key documents.
  • Manually creating or managing profiles on CRM systems.
  • Scheduling meetings, creating emails and chasing signatures.
  • Amending proposals.

Sales enablement tools can reduce low-value and repetitive tasks by up to 23% by automating tasks, streamlining workflows, integrating with other sales enablement tools, and facilitating effective internal and external communications.

Sales teams can then focus on high-value sales activities such as closing deals, developing client relations, networking and prospecting, analyzing buyer research and proposal performance, moving on to their next deal, and RoI discussions.

Accelerates sales productivity

By sharing material that reinforces concepts and best practices, sales enablement can help an organization effectively scale learning and new initiatives and ensure sales readiness and productivity. It reduces ramp time for the average sales hire by 24%.

The right solution can make this number higher. For instance, Tactile Medical cut ramp-up time by half using the sales readiness platform to create learning paths and video coaching assessments for new sellers.

Improves the quality of sales interactions

Sales enablement tools result in more sales smartly. Sales representatives can track customer interactions to pursue leads effectively or drop those that do not show conversion signals.

For instance, sales representatives can ascertain how many times they’ve called a prospect if a proposal has views, which email templates have converted, who visited the web platforms, or what platforms convert the most.

These insights can prevent intuition or emotion-based selling, instead use data for decision-making to prioritize deals that will likely close, ensuring an intelligent, streamlined, and high-converting sales cycle.

In addition, sales readiness platforms help representatives stay prepared for these critical moments by validating that they possess the knowledge and skills to succeed before engaging the buyer. With video coaching assessments and AI-powered machine scoring, sales teams can evaluate reps’ ability to deliver an elevator pitch, handle buyer objections, and conduct effective follow-ups.

Improved customer experience

Buyers want customer-like experiences. The B2B sector may struggle to meet this expectation. However, sales enablement tools can deliver seamless and highly tailored outreach campaigns at scale.

Sales representatives can offer buyers the following:

  • Personalized content with microsites and proposals.
  • Real-time contract amendments.
  • Communication on preferred channels.
  • Quick proposal generation and e-signatures.
  • Consistent brand experience at every touchpoint.
  • Relevant follow-up discussions.

Optimized collaboration between teams

Efficient communications also present major benefits within all departments in the enterprise. When sales and marketing teams collaborate, it can drive a 36% higher retention rate and 38% higher close rates.

Contrarily, when sales and marketing teams fail to align with processes and technology, it costs companies 10% of their revenue per year as 65% of sellers forget to use the content for their campaigns.

Colleagues from these departments can share audience insights in real-time, send quality leads, and provide the sales enablement collaterals the sellers need to close deals. To this end, sellers need relevant, on-brand, compelling content such as proposals, presentations, and research to nurture leads, maintain relationships, and close deals.

Besides, document and template management software is a sales enablement tool that ensures sellers can easily access the exact files they need anytime, anywhere. For instance, cloud-hosted, central repositories give sales teams 24/7 access to pre-approved and easy-to-find content.

Versioning and co-authoring features facilitate effective collaboration and prevent overwriting vital information or sending the wrong file. Content can be analyzed, giving marketing and sales teams greater oversight over useful resources.

By allowing departments to collaborate, the sales cycle can be shorter. Organizations can produce the best sales content with higher conversion rates and revenue.

Draup’s sales enablement platform provides a 360-degree view built using machine learning models and validated by a team of analysts. Draup deep dives into company profiles and gives a comprehensive view of their verticals, markets, digital tech stack, key partnerships & acquisitions, HQ locations, latest funding info, and talent demand.

With these insights, the sales team can learn the needs and pains of the prospect and how to solve them, helping them pitch with confidence and earn long-term deals.