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Buyer Intelligence: How It Empowers Sales Enablement

Buyer Intelligence: How It Empowers Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement

The use of data and AI is a pillar for modern sales enablement. Data gives sales reps insight into buyers and allows them to spend their time and efforts more strategically. A recent report pointed out that high-performing sales teams are 4.9x more likely to use AI than other sales teams.

The most useful facet of AI for sales reps is buyer intelligence—the compilation of collective data drawn from buyer interactions, CRM data, product usage, and strategic partners. This data is used to predict a buyers’ future behavior, providing insight to guide reps to be more effective.

Buyer intelligence can predict things like who is most likely to engage, what time of day they are most likely to respond, and which method of communication is most likely to reach them.

B2B sales can be incredibly frustrating if sales teams don’t know who to approach and how likely they will accept the offer. Most of the time, sales teams approach the wrong prospect resulting in the rejection of the product offer. Understanding the prospect, their behavior, their influence on the company and deals is essential before approaching.

Let us look at how buyer intelligence can empower sales enablement:

Identifying the Right Buyers

In 2021, prospects do not dedicate much time to sales teams, so it becomes crucial to approach only those who might be interested in your offer. Hyper-targeting your prospects level-by-level is vital to achieving sales effectiveness.

Identifying the right prospects using buyer intelligence is always fruitful since it negates the idea of a first-time meeting and builds a more profound connection that can turn into a sale.

Buyer intelligence looks beyond names, positions, or experience; it looks into a person’s traits, capabilities, deals size influencing, and more. When used correctly, this data lets you have a targeted list of prospects to approach.

It also helps you segment your prospects by verticals, companies, business functions, current job title, and more. Doing this gives you a focused list of selected prospects who align well with your sales goals.

Identifying Similar Profiles that Align

In your targeted list of prospects, it’s important to include similar buyer profiles who might be interested in your offer. This helps you diversify your sales efforts and tap a larger market instead of targeting a single prospect, ultimately increasing your chances of a successful sale.

Buyer intelligence lets you access similar profiles across verticals and business functions who are identical when closing a deal. These are the profiles that display specific characteristics similar to other profiles.

Specific AI-backed sales intelligence tools help you target a range of similar profiles and offer greater chances of deal success. They also provide deeper insights into a prospect’s buying behavior and engagement guidelines to help sales reps craft pitches that convert.

360-degree Prospect Analysis

One of the most impressive features of buyer intelligence includes a 360-degree prospect analysis. This analysis dives much deeper than generic information available on public platforms and unlocks an opportunity for sales reps to approach their prospect with maximum knowledge.

It includes aspects such as :

  • Executive experience
  • Workloads
  • Business units
  • Business function
  • Level in organization
  • Opportunity index
  • Deal size influence
  • Budget control authority
  • Global impact
  • Skills map

By analyzing such subtler aspects of a buyer, sales teams get a comprehensive view of whom they are about to approach. This increases the chances of a sale and helps sales reps approach similar profiles because they fall into the same basket.

AI-backed Personality insights

Buyer intelligence is known to perform a deep dive into not just a person but their personality. Backed by AI, you get specific insights on specific profiles that help you approach them with confidence. This data can include anywhere from personality traits to roles, drives, interests, and motivations of the executive.

Most sales teams only consider general prospect information to hold the most value; however, winning sales teams know that selling a product goes beyond general information because it is a more personal experience. Personal experiences can be created with personalities we understand, and that is what buyer intelligence helps in.

It essentially uses Psychographic analysis to analyze a personality deeper backed by AI and ML algorithms and informs the sales reps of their next step.

So, sales teams need to be aware of prospect personalities before presenting their proposal.

For example, Draup for Sales‘ Rolodex features extensive personality analysis of decision-makers in an organization. This includes metrics such as personality characteristics, personality inference, skills map, and opportunity index.

Sales intelligence platforms like  Draup  help your teams build hyper-targeted  prospect lists  with an ability to segment prospects through comprehensive and real-time metrics. Draup’s 360-degree view is built using machine learning models and validated by a team of analysts, ensuring data integrity.

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