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AI-Powered Sales Enablement Software

AI-Powered Sales Enablement Software To Boost Your Sales Efficiency

By the end of 2021, companies would’ve invested as much as $5 Bn into Sales Enablement Software.

What is driving this craze? And do you need to jump on to the bandwagon just yet?

To answer the second question first, yes, you absolutely must leverage the power of sales enablement software to augment your sales team’s capabilities.

Here’s why:

  • AI-powered sales enablement software reduce your prospect research time by as much as 30%
  • No more reliance on hunches or intuition as these software generate insights based on data leveraged from multiple sources
  • They help you deliver seamless, highly tailored outreach campaigns at scale.
  • And modern sales enablement software come pre-packaged with access to top-quality seller education and access to SME content

It looks like this answers the first question as well. These benefits and more complementary benefits are driving the sudden rush to adopt AI solutions into sales enablement. This article will examine the role that AI plays and why sales teams must strongly consider AI-powered sales enablement software for their organization.

How AI is Reinventing Sales Enablement

First, let’s get clear on what we mean by sales enablement.

Sales enablement is the whole pipeline of processes or tools that helps salespeople to sell efficiently.

These processes, insights or tools could include anything from targeted content marketing, whitepaper reports on latest industry trends to a whole set of cloud-based solutions that will help them target their prospects.

First of all, why do we even need AI for sales enablement?

So far, sales & marketing have been disparate departments that come together once in a while to compare notes and exchange ideas. However, data mining into the effectiveness of this process reveals that it is ideal if both teams are more closely integrated.

The problem is that neither marketing nor sales can craft the ideal targeted strategy to identify the right prospects. Enter sales enablement.

Sales enablement, as mentioned above, has solved the incongruity between sales & marketing to a great extent. From increasing the sales team’s conversion rates to giving pointed guidance on developing marketing material, modern sales enablement software have helped sales teams improve their efficiency during the sales cycle.

Here’s how Artificial Intelligence-powered sales enablement is key to the success of your sales team:

Identify potential clients intelligently

Irrespective of the industry, today’s buyers expect consumer-like experiences of sales and marketing engagement. Generic emails and proposals are a strict no-no. They expect information that is tailored to their needs.

Considering the sheer number of industries and verticals that exist today, it can be near impossible to deliver account personalization without leveraging large-scale data analytics.

AI-powered sales enablement helps you identify and shortlist prospects in by filtering through industry segments, company size, financials, functional areas, service provider presence, probability of potential opportunities etc.

This level of data-backed prospect research is unheard of in the B2B sector. However, modern tools for sales enablement are now designed to deliver high-quality, human-vetted data to target prospects at scale.

Target the right stakeholder

Identifying prospects is one part; the other part is to find the right stakeholder within that prospect’s organization.

Thanks to sales enablement software such as Draup, you now have access to a 360-degree view of potential stakeholders moderated by opportunity index and deep psychographic analysis.

This means that you can quantify the buyer persona across the sales lifecycle using our proprietary metrics such as deal size influence, budget control and geo impact. Combine this with the data on the personality attributes of the stakeholder and pitching a highly personalized proposal becomes a breeze.

Understand business intentions

Perhaps the greatest benefit of sales enablement tools is that they allow sale teams to understand the business intentions of their potential prospects with unparalleled accuracy.

AI-powered sales enablement empowers sales professionals with information to dive deep into any global industry or location and comprehensively analyze focus areas, upcoming startups, business expansions, etc. From this starting point, they can then use the data from 8000+ sources to identify relevant use cases based on business intention, digitization theme, use case cluster, and technology areas.

Sale teams are also empowered with a complete overview of their prospect’s current technologies, pain points, and other contextual information to help them build a hyper-targeted sales pitch.

Clearly, AI-powered sales enablement is the future of sales. In the coming decade, we can see the inclusion of NLP, ML and data analytics to significantly boost the efficiency of sales teams.

Today, sales enablement software such as Draup for Sales is capable of doing all the above and even more. With Draup, your organization get access to a business intelligence platform that gives sales teams comprehensive account and stakeholder information to deliver micro-targeted sales pitches. With data across industries & verticals, you can discover companies that line up well with your services/products to solve customer pain points.