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Boundaryless Workplace Model: Reinventing Conventional Workplaces Dynamics

Boundaryless Workplace Model: Reinventing Conventional Workplaces Dynamics

Boundaryless Workplace Model

Since the last two years, there’s been a lot of discussion over the suitable work model for enterprises to choose that sets the standard for the future of work. Some enterprises opted for permanent work-from-home while some enterprises integrated the hybrid work model, and in 2022, we’re witnessing a boundaryless workplace model.

The problem with remote and hybrid models is they are imposed upon the employees taking away their right to choose. For example, there are people who don’t want to work from home, and there are also people who don’t want to work from the office. Adding to this are people who want both the places to be workplaces. To manage such diverse opinions on work, a new work model is needed.

The Boundaryless work model delivers the power of decision to employees and lets them choose any place of work, ultimately meaning no boundaries whatsoever. Employees can choose to work from the home, office, or any location of their choice accessing better work/life balance and higher productivity levels.

The workplace of 2022 isn’t limited by boundaries and aims to reimagine conventional workplace dynamics.

This gives a major boost to a variety of areas organizations have been struggling with, including:

  1. Talent retention
  2. Employee wellbeing
  3. Diversity and Inclusion
  4. High-quality talent acquisition
  5. Employee experience

Boundaryless work model is gaining traction in the global business ecosystem with Meesho, an Indian ecommerce company being one of the firsts to adopt it. Meesho is giving its employees the choice to work from home, office or any location of their choice. Based on employee demand, the company will also set up satellite offices at locations with higher talent density.

Meesho will also support working parents by sponsoring day care facilities for employees with children below 6 years of age. With a focus on seamless employee experience, the company will also enable its workforce with real-time and virtual collaboration tools driving higher productivity in teams spread across the world.

Since we now understand the boundaryless workplace model, let us explore the benefits that come with it.

Increased Productivity

It was witnessed during the “Great Resignation” that employees with no work/life balance reflected weaker overall performance in work. The boundaryless workplace model enables employees to choose the type of work setting they are comfortable with. This helps the employees maintain a work/life balance, thus powering their levels of productivity.

Work/life Balance

A recent report pointed out that 42% of employees would be willing to take a salary cut in order to have more flexible work options from their employers. It is essential for employees to strike the right balance between work and life. The COVID-19 pandemic made employees aware of the things they were missing out throughout their work life. This led to an awareness that a right balance of work and life has to be there.

Since the boundaryless workplace model provides the opportunity to choose the work setting, employees can strike the right work/life balance which would eventually result in higher retention.

Diverse Pool of talent

One of the most powerful benefits of a boundaryless work model is the opportunity to access wider pool of talent. Traditional organizations did not have the opportunity to employ global talent, mostly due to location constraints.

However, modern organizations, especially ones incorporating a boundaryless workplace model can access a global talent pool. This talent pool can comprise of diverse and talent individuals thus boosting the D&I efforts of an organization, as well as employment of quality talent.

Improved Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Employees with more flexible work options are 13% more likely than traditional workers to stay in their jobs over an extended period. This could be attributed to improved employee satisfaction due to flexible work options. The boundaryless workplace model delivers employee satisfaction by giving them the power of decision which in turn, makes retention easy for enterprises.

Improved employee satisfaction also drives better productivity and increased employee wellbeing, both of which are paramount in today’s business world.

Talent intelligence platforms such as Draup mitigate workplace challenges and promote a healthy working environment by helping talent management teams move faster than the workforce trends. This AI-based platform analyses and evaluates organizational talent to deliver essential insights to HR leaders and help make the best management decisions possible.

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