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Sales Enablement Team

Why Sales Enablement Team Must Bet Big on Big Data

Sales enablement has reaped benefits for businesses by improving the sales team’s performance and increasing revenue. It has empowered sales teams and helped them create innovative sales tactics instead of relying on gut feelings based on history. Companies with effective sales enablement program achieve 67% of the targets compared to 42% for businesses without an effective sales enablement program.

Presenting a product to consumers who already know and understand the product’s value repels when sales teams use conventional strategies, wasting company resources and time. Sales teams must be empowered to deliver better value and knowledge to customers and convert them.

Big Data Augments Sales Enablement

Data-driven sales enablement is a sales strategy based on data collected. It offers a blend of the conventional practice of aligning business needs to be training and creating innovative methods to make sales training targeted.

Delivering excellent service to customers is as important as understanding them. Some of the powerful companies built their customer base with customer behavioral insights. With these insights, they were able to create efficient strategies to sell more.

The same concept can be applied to sales enablement. Customized reports will help teams identify where their strengths and weaknesses lie. The insights can assist sales managers in leading their sales teams with potentially valuable strategies.

While understanding the value data is one thing, using it to increase revenue is a different ballgame. Sales enablement teams must use data to create specific training modules for their sales representatives and ensure everyone understands how data can be helpful.

How is Data Useful to Sales Enablement?

Many organizations have not realized that sales enablement directly correlates with the marketing team. A research report states that a well-deployed sales enablement strategy creates and provides sellers with situation-specific marketing content and helps teams track the effectiveness of resources and messaging sent to buyers.

Helping sales enablement team understand the learners’ aspirations

The best training module may not help in understanding your trainees. It is found that despite the hectic schedule, sales representatives are eager to learn new and innovative strategies that could help them perform and grow.

Sales enablement teams must directly take responsibility for sales reps, conduct surveys and interviews to understand their learning needs. The sales enablement teams can ease the learning process by incorporating helpful feedback in the training module.

Defining the learners’ success at every level

Creating a world-class targeted training program is step one. The next step is to impose a globally standardized list of skills to sales executive success in the field and include all essential skills that span across different roles such as account planning, business modeling, financial resourcing, and prospecting territory planning, among others.

Sales enablement teams must identify the required skills required for specific roles, which will provide role-specific insight. With the balance of generic and role-specific skills, the sales enablement team can create a helpful training program.

With the data available on each trainee, sales enablement can assign a target proficiency level for their skill set.

Implementing an effective sales enablement strategy

After sales enablement uses data to determine the learning gaps, personalize and create highly targeted learning courses for every individual. Sales representatives can execute the tasks discovered in the training module, and they can perform effectively and efficiently.

Sales enablement is not sales training by itself. It focuses on onboarding (instill company values and culture), continuous training (equipping with tools and systems for effective pre-sales engagement and post-sales communication), and internal communication.

A data-driven sales enablement strategy is the key to improving your sales teams’ performance while increasing the revenue for your business. To implement a successful sales enablement strategy, collect data, analyze it, coach your team to handle and process the information while generating leads and converting.

Powerful sales intelligence and analytics platforms like Draup enable companies to expose what drives revenue and not and improve their bottomline. It can identify, target, and help sales professionals build the perfect pitch and knowledge base to show prospects to help them make decisions.

Additionally, sales representatives can use real-time analytics to get insights into campaign performances and conversations to tailor packages to address pain points.