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Technology Trends of 2022

Top Technology Trends of 2022 set to Shape the Future of Industries

The companies of 2022 are adapting to the new normal while they keep innovating on technologies that power the fourth industrial revolution. What makes the fourth industrial revolution different from previous industrial revolutions is the convergence and interaction between multiple technology trends at once. Each technology is in some way related to the other, essentially forming a web of innovation set to power the years ahead.

This article explores the top ten technology trends of 2022 that are driving the fourth industrial revolution. These are trends that will transform the way we live and conduct business as everything, from a simple picture in our phone to the complex data structures of firms, finally moves to digital.

Trend 1: Next-gen Process Automation and Virtualization

It is estimated that 50 percent of all work activities today could be automated in the next few decades setting the foundation for the future of work.

The industrial world is soon to witness the power of robotics, Industrial IoT (IIoT), digital twins, and 3D/4D printing (also known as additive manufacturing) to streamline monotonous tasks, power operations, and accelerate time to market.

This is one of the most powerful technology trends that will power CAPEX investments in automation technology and other skills needed as intelligence takes over repetitive tasks. Companies would soon be able to use AM to make products and components closer to home.

Trend 2: A Future of 5G

The arrival of 5G broadband cellular networks and the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most important technology trends of today. 5G and IoT will enable faster connectivity across the globe, with faster downloads and zero latency. The network availability and capability of these technologies will speed up businesses right from the digitization of manufacturing to remote patient monitoring and more.

The importance of 5G and IoT as one of the technology trends is that it supports the creation of new services and business models linked to sensor-enabled intelligent products and creates the potential for companies to seamlessly personalize offerings across channels and create heightened customer experiences.

Trend 3: Distributed Infrastructure

To move computing power further toward the edge of their networks, enterprises are trying to utilize cloud and edge computing as a new technology trend. The aim is to reach data-hungry devices, with lesser latency, in global locations to accelerate decision making with advanced analytics on demand.

It is estimated that by the end of 2022, over 70 percent of companies will employ hybrid or multi-cloud-management technologies, tools, and processes representing distributed IT infrastructures. Driving this technology trend is the move to more centralized “as a service” models of delivery enabled by cloud technologies as companies abandon more traditional on-premise IT infrastructures.

Trend 4: The Arrival of Quantum Computing

The rapid approach to quantum computing is powering the next generation of advanced computing, one of the most awaited technology trends. Quantum computing could reveal answers to problems that have bedeviled science and society for years, unlocking unprecedented capabilities for businesses.

The relevance of quantum computing as a technology trend is it will reduce development time for pharmaceuticals with simulations, accelerate AVs with quantum AI, and transform cybersecurity—all while reducing hardware costs. Next-generation computing will democratize AI-backed services, exceptionally fast development cycles, and lower barriers of entry across industries.

Trend 5: Applied AI for Real-world Data

By 2024, more than 50 percent of user touches will be augmented by AI-driven speech, written word, or computer-vision algorithms, while over a billion connected cameras will collect and share visual data by 2021.

The latest AI algorithms are aimed at training machines to recognize patterns and interpret and act on those patterns essentially helping computers make sense of real-world data.

This trend promises to improve customer satisfaction through new customer interfaces and interaction methods. This is one of those technology trends that will simplify human life by translating speech, text, and images to assist in day to day work.

Draup’s sales intelligence platform assists clients in adapting to the latest technology trends. Our data has helped them utilize emerging trends before they turn mainstream. Decision-makers can get their hands on a large pool of data, well-researched analytics, industry trends, and best practices to make the right decisions.