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B2B Sales Intelligence — What To Expect When You Are Prospecting

B2B Sales Intelligence — What To Expect When You Are Prospecting

B2B Sales Intelligence

When a potential lead meets your product for the first time and exhibits interest in getting to know the product better, that is a prospect for you.  

Not all leads can be prospects, but all prospects are leads. Acquiring a prospect is more complicated than acquiring a lead. It is like scratching the tip of the iceberg, but the base of it runs much deeper.  

Prospecting is not a one-time job. It is a steady process. The more consistent you are in your approach towards prospecting, the better your chances will be in converting them.  

Even though it is the first step in the sales funneling process, it is quite a challenging process. 80% of sales efforts entails following up on their prospects at least five times after the initial contact. Before arriving at this meeting stage, there are at least eight cold attempts on an average. Once the meeting is set up, the process of prospecting is far from over. This is where the pursuit gets intense. This is also where the process of prospecting drops and achieves a point of no return. Not all sales representatives are equipped to handle rejection. 44% of sales representatives drop their efforts after only one round of followup. 

Closing a deal is better than having no deal 

Sales teams get demotivated when their efforts do not turn into results. That is because 50% of the prospects pursued by the sales teams are not ideal for the company.  

Companies today are investing in resources and training their sales personnel towards closing business deals rather than scouting for more prospects. 75% of companies believe that restructuring an offering to suit the business needs of the prospect (who has seen and tested the product/service more closely) has proved to be more efficient than chasing after new prospects who do not have a clue about your product.  

Over 60% of sales teams have come to experience that selling is not what it used to be. There are more hurdles now than there were before and the growing expectations of businesses are only making things more challenging by the day. 

Prospects are looking forward to getting a better understanding of the product you are trying to sell them. What would pique their interest in your product is the content that you build towards addressing their business needs. Good content about your product does not mean just creating content around your product; it means creating content around your product in a way that it affirmatively provides precise solutions to your prospect’s precise needs.  

Prospecting for humans with a human touch 

Your prospects are not bots. But most of the prospecting today is done by bots. While the process of automation has proven to be helpful and resourceful in saving dollars, automation in prospecting must be dealt with caution.  

Our b2b sales intelligence tool mines data responsibly without eliminating human moderation. The availability of the most up-to-date data that has been built by tracking millions of data points across companies, decision-makers and talent ecosystems means that you get to understand where your prospects are, what they are looking for, and what would make them happy.  

Encompassing 28 industries and 285,000 companies and 1 million stakeholder profiles, you will no longer be scratching the tip of the iceberg; in fact, you can go to the deepest point of the iceberg. 

Having access to personality traits, personal interests, networking opportunities of the prospects would broaden the opportunity index for you. Therefore, you will have the material to break the ice with your prospect and increase your conversion rate faster than ever before.  

Sell your product in their language 

Our sales intelligence software allows you to be more human than you can imagine. Being able to micro-target using hyper contextualized insights means having the power the drive the message appropriately.  

As marketers, we need to choose our words carefully and wisely. We need to remember that we are representing a brand. The brand speaks through us. For our prospect to empathize with our product’s benefits, they first need to empathize with our approach towards the brand. Most sales teams jump to conclusions about the brands they are representing, resulting in a mismatch between what they are propagating about the brand, leaving a negative impression on the prospect. It is important to note that the prospect does not know our product as well as we do. We have all the power to use the right words to describe our product that will help make a positive impact on our prospect. It is our product. If we cannot sell it using the right words it deserves, our prospect will remember our brand for the wrong reasons, and that is not something we would want.  

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