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Google Launches AI Chatbot, Bard: How Generative AI Will Impact the Future of Work

Executive Summary
  • Google has launched an AI chatbot called Bard, powered by Google's LaMDA, which aims to bring the benefits of AI to Google's everyday products.
  • Bard is a language model that improves the accuracy and speed of natural language processing, like ChatGPT by OpenAI.
  • The AI chatbot will be integrated into Google search to provide conversational search experiences rooted in AI, providing quick and accurate information on a variety of topics.
  • AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard can be harnessed in the workplace in areas such as content creation, customer service, product design, IT/engineering, and risk and legal.
  • While AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, it still relies on human input to provide direction and context. Employees must adapt to new technologies and upskill to avoid job displacement in the coming AI epoch.
  • Generative AI can revolutionize the future of work by empowering employees to focus on high-level tasks that require empathy, critical thinking, and human insight.
  • The launch of ChatGPT by Microsoft-funded OpenAI in late November last year has sent the public’s imagination on what AI can do into overdrive. 

    Widely praised for its human-like, and sometimes even better-than-human, responses, it was clear that the field of generative AI has entered a new epoch. 

    Caught by surprise, Google issued a red alert to launch their own version of ChatGPT, aptly named Bard. 

    Google Bard, powered by Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), can revolutionize how we interact with technology. It aims to bring the benefits of AI into Google’s everyday products, much like how Microsoft is integrating Bing and MS 365 with ChatGPT. 

    So, what is Google Bard? 

    Bard is an innovative language model designed to improve the accuracy and speed of natural language processing.  

    Like ChatGPT, Bard is also built on a large language model trained on vast amounts of online data, which enables it to generate human-like responses to user prompts.  

    According to Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, Bard seeks to combine the breadth of knowledge from the world with the power, intelligence, and creativity of language models. 

    Just How Capable is Google Bard? 

    The integration of Bard into Google search promises to deliver experiences rooted in AI, providing users with quick and accurate information in a conversational style.  

    When integrated into the search tool, Google Bard can provide deeper insights on topics like, “is the guitar or piano easier to learn, and how much practice does each require?”  

    Below is a short demo taken from Google’s launch announcement page. 

    Google Bard demo

    AI can be useful in these situations by synthesizing insights for queries with no single right answer. It will make search engines much better at understanding what we are looking for and presenting information in a way we can understand. It will be as if we asked our query to a person rather than a machine. 

    Currently, the technology is available only for “trusted testers” before its release to the public. 

    The Role of AI in the Future Workplace 

    The impact of generative AI on the job market is significant, with experts predicting that AI will be an essential ingredient in the workplace soon.  

    Here are some ways AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard can be harnessed in the workplace: 

    1. Content Creation – AI technologies such as natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning algorithms will help content creators write, edit, and design. These AI platforms can write text, edit suggestions, and format photos automatically.
    2. Improve customer service – Customer-facing roles can benefit significantly from Generative AI. Employees can easily obtain a conversation transcript and use these tools to produce an analytical dialogue summary. This can help identify the caller’s main pain points and desires and filter out unhelpful details.
    3. Jump-start product mock-ups – Product designers can use AI to create basic visual mock-ups of their ideas without spending hours at a computer. This allows for more time and creativity in the early stages before feedback and modifications are needed.
    4. IT/engineering – Generative AI can also be used to write code/documentation, speeding up the development process, such as converting simple JavaScript expressions into Python. Developers can use it to generate or auto-complete data tables while giving contextual information.
    5. Risk and legal – These AI tools can sort through and analyze massive amounts of legal documents, to answer complex inquiries and write/review annual reports.  

    With the help of AI, employees can work more efficiently and innovatively. It can be a powerful tool for automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks that don’t require high-level human insight or critical thinking.  

    How tools like Google Bard Impact the Future of Work 

    How AI impacts the job market will depend on its adoption and use. Companies and individuals who embrace AI will likely see the biggest benefits.  

    While many jobs will become easier and more efficient, human talent intervention is still crucial. As with content creation, adopting AI can help create digital content that meets all the standards.  

    However, if this technology becomes widely adopted, it will be up to users to maximize its potential. The difference between ordinary and outstanding content will then depend on human talent intervention. 

    What’s important to note is that generative AI is not here to replace human input; instead, it works in conjunction with it. While generative AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, it still relies on human input to provide direction and context.  

    By harnessing the power of these AI tools, businesses can empower employees to focus on high-level tasks that require empathy, critical thinking, and human insight.  

    In this way, generative AI can revolutionize the future of work by giving people more time to invest in the work that really matters. 

    On the other hand, the rise of AI also means that employees must be proactive in upskilling and reskilling to avoid job displacement. The coming AI epoch requires workers to adapt quickly and continuously to new technologies, and those who do not may find themselves at a disadvantage in the job market. 

    Draup for Talent offers an AI-powered platform that creates customized reskilling paths for employees based on their skills, interests, and career goals. This approach allows employees to acquire new skills and stay up to date with emerging technologies, which can help your organization stay competitive in the rapidly evolving job market.