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3 Emerging Hiring Trends to Implement in 2022

3 Emerging Hiring Trends to Implement in 2022

The modern workforce is adjusting to the crisis with either a hybrid or complete work-from-home culture. Talent acquisition teams bear the brunt of operating faster with the market becoming increasingly competitive. The changing hiring needs force them to always be on their toes adjusting hiring strategies.

To win the talent war in the unpredictable future of work, talent acquisition teams must revisit their hiring strategies and modernize their approaches on how job seekers can be reached. With the pandemic killing the monotonous in-person hiring process, we explore a few next-gen solutions that will shape the recruitment landscape in 2022 and beyond.

Remote hiring is the new norm

The pandemic has made HR leaders shift to remote hiring as the traditional face-to-face hiring continues to face a declining trend. Despite shrinking teams and limited human contact, the crisis has challenged talent acquisition teams to deliver meaningful hiring experiences.

Emerging hiring trends such as video interviewing and virtual hiring events are becoming commonplace. Recruiters are also keen on exploring other hiring technologies that provide constant access to the available talent pool data.

While limited interaction remains a significant hurdle in today’s hiring process, the benefits of embracing remote hiring are visible across all industries. Here are some of the advantages hiring leaders are experiencing with the remote-first hiring model:

  • Access to a broader talent pool: The major obstacle while sourcing candidates is their geographical distance that restricts recruiters from hiring quality talents. With companies across the globe adjusting to the home workspace, HR professionals have the freedom of hiring candidates without limiting them to location and relocation costs.
  • The hiring process is now quicker than ever: The introduction of video interviews and applicant tracking software has clearly benefited talent leaders. Implementing these must-have solutions in today’s fast-paced talent ecosystem makes the hiring process less time-consuming and more well-organized.

To take full advantage of these benefits mentioned above, talent acquisition teams must take a proactive approach to remote hiring. These benefits not only complement HR leaders in the hiring process, but they also have the potential of saving both time and money.

Growing and evolving with diversity & inclusion in the workplace

The post-pandemic workplace is experiencing growing awareness around social exclusion faced by workers from underrepresented communities. Talent managers are aware of the impact diversity, and inclusion practices bring to the workplace, thus forcing them to prepare future-forward D&I programs that promote a culture of belonging.

Companies with meaningful diversity and inclusion programs have empowered the under-dominated talent pool to thrive personally and professionally. Following are a few tried-and-tested strategies to help achieve a D&I-friendly workspace:

  • Addressing concerns and evaluating the progress of D&I efforts by instituting an independent focus group.
  • Evolving with learning programs that educate about inclusiveness in the workplace. Companies with an ongoing learning culture encourage constant conversations from all employees, irrespective of their role in the organization.
  • Standardizing gender-neutral language in meetings and other important discussions.

Talent managers can leverage the use of AI-powered talent intelligence tools in identifying diversity challenges before they take root within your organization. Workforce planners are also provided with actionable insights to re-evaluate their existing D&I courses.

Tailoring experiences with employer branding

More than 90% of candidates consider quitting their jobs to join a company with an excellent brand reputation. Employer branding was a must-have recruiting strategy even in the pre-pandemic world. And as studies highlight the valuable role branding plays in reducing turnover rates, creating a fool-proof plan is essential to succeed in uncertain times.

Enterprises can integrate technologies like artificial intelligence to enhance their brand-building process. Here are some ways that AI can support employer branding initiatives:

  • Chatbots enhancing recruitment from the get-go: The advent of AI in the form of chatbots has reshaped the traditional hiring model. With AI-powered chatbots used in recruitment, talent acquisition teams enhance their branding experience for the candidates right from the moment they are alerted about the job posting. These chatbots share valuable pieces of information about the job beforehand, helping candidates prepare well before the interview stage. Such necessary details help candidates go ahead with the interview without any added pressure of knowing nitty-gritty about the employer or the job role.
  • Modernizing employee engagement: With artificial intelligence, organizations and applicants have access to channels that enable seamless ways to communicate and collaborate despite the challenges induced by the pandemic. This further enhances the work experience and empowers the organization to uphold its brand promises to existing employees and potential recruits.

With AI-powered solutions, organizations can improve their identity in the minds of their employees. The increasing influence of technologies like AI and ML in the post-pandemic world makes them an indispensable part of branding. After all, we live in times where technologies complement humans towards shared goals and visions.

Once you work with the trends mentioned above, you’ll be well on your way to hiring powerhouse teams across departments. With talent intelligence platforms like Draup, HR leaders and talent acquisition teams of Fortune 500 companies make amends to their archaic hiring process by leveraging the platform’s in-depth insights on the talent ecosystem.

Draup’s new-age recruitment tool assists talent management teams in addressing pressing issues like D&I practices and streamlining the process of remote hiring. Further, the handiness of the analytics-driven platform is also imperative in reskilling the existing talent force in emerging high-demand areas.

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