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Sales Enablement Strategy

The B2B Sales Enablement Strategy Playbook for 2022

Traditionally, marketing and sales teams of B2B companies have often worked in tandem to achieve the same goal — to close more deals and increase revenue for the company. However, both departments have also been siloed from each other in some ways, causing roadblocks when attracting or converting qualified leads.

Enter, sales enablement, a strategic process that arms sales teams with the content, guidance, and training to engage buyers effectively. It is a joint effort of sales, marketing, product development, and other organizational units working together to achieve sales goals and increase your B2B company’s bottom line.

The below two statistics highlight the importance of having a sales enablement solution in place:

  • Organizations with remarkable sales enablement programs achieved a 49%-win rate on forecasted deals, while those without the solution could only pull off 42.5%.
  • By having a well-defined sales enablement strategy in place, 84% of sales reps could achieve their quotas.

While sales enablement is an emerging practice in today’s marketplace, B2B sales teams need to embrace it with best-in-class sales enablement strategies in order to function as a well-organized sales machine.

Taking the Automation way

Automation is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most pivotal part of the B2B sales enablement strategy. In B2B sales, automation solves more problems than one.

It curates tailored content (videos, brochures, pitch decks, and proposals) that allow sales reps to respond quickly and manages campaigns with automated emails on behalf of sales personnel. This allows sales reps to complete clogged sales processes and move forward with the clients efficiently.

As technologies emerge and dominate all fronts of business, the use of automation in sales enablement only intensifies. And with enterprises gearing up to accelerate their sales numbers in the post-COVID selling place, automation holds the key to expediting the entire process and support with a competitive advantage

Automated sales intelligence platforms like Draup can schedule campaigns and follow up with those who have not replied to your emails, preventing sending out the same emails to contacts who have replied. Its dashboard has powerful features and functionalities with various campaign stats and recipient statuses.

Creating a Customer-Centric Strategy

Among the many B2B sales enablement strategies that can positively impact present-day sales, the customer-oriented sales strategy has to be the bigger deal in 2022. Enterprises must adapt to changing customer needs, as strategies like these can place organizations at the forefront of the market.

By having a customer-first approach, sales enablement leaders can quickly identify different strategies, tools, and processes required to connect and enhance the experience with the targeted audience base and increase their value.

With the entire sales enablement process revolving around customers’ needs, B2B sales leaders need to reinvent their strategies and prioritize their needs for long-term growth.

Adopting a Data-Driven Approach to Enablement

As customers migrate from in-person to digital channels, sales teams are forced to reimagine their strategies. Furthermore, experience and intuition-based selling have also become a thing of the past, courtesy of the data-driven sales that are now commonplace in all sales-related processes.

Scouting for data from sales enablement platforms is proving to be game-changing for sales teams. The gathered data supports sales teams in identifying purchase portability, opportunity prioritization and presenting them with opportunities for the future.

With insights about key sales metrics, sales leaders can invest more time leading their sales team with result-oriented strategies than just working with numbers. This helps everyone involved in the sales cycle to track the process and fill gaps in case of loopholes.

Having full access to sales analytics also gives B2B sales leaders the competitive advantage in understanding what strategies worked for them and what can be improved.

Leveraging Effective Tools and Solutions

The steadfast recovery in the post-COVID marketplace is helping several enterprises with growth opportunities. And to use this to the fullest and stay ahead of the curve in this competitive marketplace, B2B sales leaders need to embrace emerging tools and technologies.

The current market is inundated with many sales enablement tools to help with your B2B sales process. These tools are flawless when it comes to achieving sales goals, given their handiness in improving communication, ensuring sales reps are supported with the best brand message and implementing efficient customer outreach.

Personalizing Sales Content Delivery

The fast-paced buying-selling environment has set unprecedented challenges for enterprises. Besides the highly customized sales enablement content that is designed for a specific audience, enterprises’ need of the hour focus should be on curating and circulating the right message to the right person at the right time.

Adopting sales enablement platforms into sales processes becomes pivotal here, as they empower sales leaders with rapid and targeted content delivery. However, it is also important to consider that without compelling content, the delivery is insignificant.

Content is an up-front investment but one that pays off over the longer term. For it to work, sales teams must continually make improvements and updates to their existing content.

In today’s B2B marketing landscape, it is a struggle for many enterprises to remain consistent with their messaging. And to counter the struggles, well-thought-out sales enablement strategies must be in place.

By piecing together the strategies mentioned above, sales teams can grow their business and create personalized relationships with key decision-makers that will pay off for a long time.

Sales intelligence platforms such as Draup track millions of data points and provide specific insights about decision-makers. This allows sales reps to tap them as access points within target accounts and serve as points of contact at desired business functions, thus closing deals rapidly and moving to the next prospect.